

Structure describing capabilities of a mode and plane combination

The VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR {
    VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR supportedAlpha;
    VkOffset2D minSrcPosition;
    VkOffset2D maxSrcPosition;
    VkExtent2D minSrcExtent;
    VkExtent2D maxSrcExtent;
    VkOffset2D minDstPosition;
    VkOffset2D maxDstPosition;
    VkExtent2D minDstExtent;
    VkExtent2D maxDstExtent;
} VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR;
  • supportedAlpha is a bitmask of VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR describing the supported alpha blending modes.
  • minSrcPosition is the minimum source rectangle offset supported by this plane using the specified mode.
  • maxSrcPosition is the maximum source rectangle offset supported by this plane using the specified mode. The x and y components of maxSrcPosition must each be greater than or equal to the x and y components of minSrcPosition, respectively.
  • minSrcExtent is the minimum source rectangle size supported by this plane using the specified mode.
  • maxSrcExtent is the maximum source rectangle size supported by this plane using the specified mode.
  • minDstPosition, maxDstPosition, minDstExtent, maxDstExtent all have similar semantics to their corresponding *Src* equivalents, but apply to the output region within the mode rather than the input region within the source image. Unlike the *Src* offsets, minDstPosition and maxDstPosition may contain negative values.

The minimum and maximum position and extent fields describe the implementation limits, if any, as they apply to the specified display mode and plane. Vendors may support displaying a subset of a swapchain’s presentable images on the specified display plane. This is expressed by returning minSrcPosition, maxSrcPosition, minSrcExtent, and maxSrcExtent values that indicate a range of possible positions and sizes which may be used to specify the region within the presentable images that source pixels will be read from when creating a swapchain on the specified display mode and plane.

Vendors may also support mapping the presentable images’ content to a subset or superset of the visible region in the specified display mode. This is expressed by returning minDstPosition, maxDstPosition, minDstExtent and maxDstExtent values that indicate a range of possible positions and sizes which may be used to describe the region within the display mode that the source pixels will be mapped to.

Other vendors may support only a 1-1 mapping between pixels in the presentable images and the display mode. This may be indicated by returning (0,0) for minSrcPosition, maxSrcPosition, minDstPosition, and maxDstPosition, and (display mode width, display mode height) for minSrcExtent, maxSrcExtent, minDstExtent, and maxDstExtent.

The value supportedAlpha must contain at least one valid VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR bit.

These values indicate the limits of the implementation’s individual fields. Not all combinations of values within the offset and extent ranges returned in VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR are guaranteed to be supported. Presentation requests specifying unsupported combinations may fail.