

Structure specifying an image format properties

The VkImageFormatProperties structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkImageFormatProperties {
    VkExtent3D maxExtent;
    uint32_t maxMipLevels;
    uint32_t maxArrayLayers;
    VkSampleCountFlags sampleCounts;
    VkDeviceSize maxResourceSize;
} VkImageFormatProperties;
  • maxExtent are the maximum image dimensions. See the Allowed Extent Values section below for how these values are constrained by type.
  • maxMipLevels is the maximum number of mipmap levels. maxMipLevels must be equal to the number of levels in the complete mipmap chain based on the maxExtent.width, maxExtent.height, and maxExtent.depth, except when one of the following conditions is true, in which case it may instead be 1:
  • maxArrayLayers is the maximum number of array layers. maxArrayLayers must be no less than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxImageArrayLayers, except when one of the following conditions is true, in which case it may instead be 1:
  • If tiling is VK_IMAGE_TILING_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXT, then maxArrayLayers must not be 0.
  • sampleCounts is a bitmask of VkSampleCountFlagBits specifying all the supported sample counts for this image as described below.
  • maxResourceSize is an upper bound on the total image size in bytes, inclusive of all image subresources. Implementations may have an address space limit on total size of a resource, which is advertised by this property. maxResourceSize must be at least 231.

There is no mechanism to query the size of an image before creating it, to compare that size against maxResourceSize. If an application attempts to create an image that exceeds this limit, the creation will fail and vkCreateImage will return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY. While the advertised limit must be at least 231, it may not be possible to create an image that approaches that size, particularly for VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D.

If the combination of parameters to vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties is not supported by the implementation for use in vkCreateImage, then all members of VkImageFormatProperties will be filled with zero.

Filling VkImageFormatProperties with zero for unsupported formats is an exception to the usual rule that output structures have undefined: contents on error. This exception was unintentional, but is preserved for backwards compatibility.