

Structure specifying a subpass/input attachment pair and an aspect mask that can: be read.

The VkInputAttachmentAspectReference structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkInputAttachmentAspectReference {
    uint32_t subpass;
    uint32_t inputAttachmentIndex;
    VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
} VkInputAttachmentAspectReference;

or the equivalent

typedef VkInputAttachmentAspectReference VkInputAttachmentAspectReferenceKHR;
  • subpass is an index into the pSubpasses array of the parent VkRenderPassCreateInfo structure.
  • inputAttachmentIndex is an index into the pInputAttachments of the specified subpass.
  • aspectMask is a mask of which aspect(s) can be accessed within the specified subpass.

This structure specifies an aspect mask for a specific input attachment of a specific subpass in the render pass.

subpass and inputAttachmentIndex index into the render pass as:


Valid Usage


aspectMask must not include VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_METADATA_BIT


aspectMask must not include VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANEiBIT_EXT for any index i