

Structure specifying physical device group properties

The VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties {
    VkStructureType sType;
    void* pNext;
    uint32_t physicalDeviceCount;
    VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevices[VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE];
    VkBool32 subsetAllocation;
} VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties;

or the equivalent

typedef VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties VkPhysicalDeviceGroupPropertiesKHR;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • physicalDeviceCount is the number of physical devices in the group.
  • physicalDevices is an array of VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE
    VkPhysicalDevice handles representing all physical devices in the group. The first physicalDeviceCount elements of the array will be valid.
  • subsetAllocation specifies whether logical devices created from the group support allocating device memory on a subset of devices, via the deviceMask member of the VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo. If this is VK_FALSE, then all device memory allocations are made across all physical devices in the group. If physicalDeviceCount is 1, then subsetAllocation must be VK_FALSE.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
