

Feedback about the creation of subpass

The VkRenderPassSubpassFeedbackInfoEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkRenderPassSubpassFeedbackInfoEXT {
    VkSubpassMergeStatusEXT subpassMergeStatus;
    char description[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];
    uint32_t postMergeIndex;
} VkRenderPassSubpassFeedbackInfoEXT;
  • subpassMergeStatus is a VkSubpassMergeStatusEXT value specifying information about whether the subpass is merged with previous subpass and the reason why it is not merged.
  • description is an array of VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE char containing a null-terminated UTF-8 string which provides additional details.
  • postMergeIndex is the subpass index after the subpass merging.