

Bitmask controlling how a shader object is created

Possible values of the flags member of VkShaderCreateInfoEXT specifying how a shader object is created, are:

typedef enum VkShaderCreateFlagBitsEXT {
} VkShaderCreateFlagBitsEXT;
  • VK_SHADER_CREATE_LINK_STAGE_BIT_EXT specifies that a shader is linked to all other shaders created in the same vkCreateShadersEXT call whose VkShaderCreateInfoEXT structures' flags include VK_SHADER_CREATE_LINK_STAGE_BIT_EXT.
  • VK_SHADER_CREATE_ALLOW_VARYING_SUBGROUP_SIZE_BIT_EXT specifies that the SubgroupSize may vary in a task, mesh, or compute shader.
  • VK_SHADER_CREATE_REQUIRE_FULL_SUBGROUPS_BIT_EXT specifies that the subgroup sizes must be launched with all invocations active in a task, mesh, or compute shader.
  • VK_SHADER_CREATE_NO_TASK_SHADER_BIT_EXT specifies that a mesh shader must only be used without a task shader. Otherwise, the mesh shader must only be used with a task shader.
  • VK_SHADER_CREATE_DISPATCH_BASE_BIT_EXT specifies that a compute shader can be used with vkCmdDispatchBase with a non-zero base workgroup.
  • VK_SHADER_CREATE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_EXT specifies that a fragment shader can be used with a fragment shading rate attachment.
  • VK_SHADER_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_ATTACHMENT_BIT_EXT specifies that a fragment shader can be used with a fragment density map attachment.