Function Prototype


Returns the granularity for dynamic rendering optimal render area

To query the render area granularity for a render pass instance, call:

void vkGetRenderingAreaGranularityKHR(
    VkDevice device,
    const VkRenderingAreaInfoKHR* pRenderingAreaInfo,
    VkExtent2D* pGranularity);
  • device is the logical device that owns the render pass instance.
  • pRenderingAreaInfo is a pointer to a VkRenderingAreaInfoKHR structure specifying details of the render pass instance to query the render area granularity for.
  • pGranularity is a pointer to a VkExtent2D structure in which the granularity is returned.

The conditions leading to an optimal renderArea are:

  • the offset.x member in renderArea is a multiple of the width member of the returned VkExtent2D (the horizontal granularity).
  • the offset.y member in renderArea is a multiple of the height member of the returned VkExtent2D (the vertical granularity).
  • either the extent.width member in renderArea is a multiple of the horizontal granularity or offset.x+extent.width is equal to the width of each attachment used in the render pass instance.
  • either the extent.height member in renderArea is a multiple of the vertical granularity or offset.y+extent.height is equal to the height of each attachment used in the render pass instance.

Valid Usage (Implicit)