Function Prototype


Update the contents of a descriptor set object using an update template

Once a VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate has been created, descriptor sets can be updated by calling:

void vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR(
    VkDevice device,
    VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet,
    VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate,
    const void* pData);

Valid Usage


pData must be a valid pointer to a memory containing one or more valid instances of VkDescriptorImageInfo, VkDescriptorBufferInfo, or VkBufferView in a layout defined by descriptorUpdateTemplate when it was created with vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate


Host access to descriptorSet must be externally synchronized unless explicitly denoted otherwise for specific flags

Valid Usage (Implicit)


descriptorSet must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device


descriptorUpdateTemplate must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device

API example

struct AppBufferView {
    VkBufferView bufferView;
    uint32_t     applicationRelatedInformation;

struct AppDataStructure
    VkDescriptorImageInfo  imageInfo;          // a single image info
    VkDescriptorBufferInfo bufferInfoArray[3]; // 3 buffer infos in an array
    AppBufferView          bufferView[2];      // An application-defined structure containing a bufferView
    // ... some more application-related data

const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry descriptorUpdateTemplateEntries[] =
    // binding to a single image descriptor
        .binding = 0,
        .dstArrayElement = 0,
        .descriptorCount = 1,
        .offset = offsetof(AppDataStructure, imageInfo),
        .stride = 0         // stride not required if descriptorCount is 1

    // binding to an array of buffer descriptors
        .binding = 1,
        .dstArrayElement = 0,
        .descriptorCount = 3,
        .descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER,
        .offset = offsetof(AppDataStructure, bufferInfoArray),
        .stride = sizeof(VkDescriptorBufferInfo)    // descriptor buffer infos are compact

    // binding to an array of buffer views
        .binding = 2,
        .dstArrayElement = 0,
        .descriptorCount = 2,
        .offset = offsetof(AppDataStructure, bufferView) +
                  offsetof(AppBufferView, bufferView),
        .stride = sizeof(AppBufferView)             // bufferViews do not have to be compact

// create a descriptor update template for descriptor set updates
const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo createInfo =
    .pNext = NULL,
    .flags = 0,
    .descriptorUpdateEntryCount = 3,
    .pDescriptorUpdateEntries = descriptorUpdateTemplateEntries,
    .descriptorSetLayout = myLayout,
    .pipelineBindPoint = 0,     // ignored by given templateType
    .pipelineLayout = 0,        // ignored by given templateType
    .set = 0,                   // ignored by given templateType

VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate myDescriptorUpdateTemplate;
myResult = vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate(

AppDataStructure appData;

// fill appData here or cache it in your engine
vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate(myDevice, myDescriptorSet, myDescriptorUpdateTemplate, &appData);