SPIR-V Built-In


Kind of hit that triggered an any-hit or closest hit ray shader

A variable decorated with the HitKindKHR decoration will describe the intersection that triggered the execution of the current shader. The values are determined by the intersection shader. For user-defined intersection shaders this is the value that was passed to the Hit Kind operand of OpReportIntersectionKHR. For triangle intersection candidates, this will be one of HitKindFrontFacingTriangleKHR or HitKindBackFacingTriangleKHR.

Valid Usage


The HitKindKHR decoration must be used only within the AnyHitKHR or ClosestHitKHR Execution Model


The variable decorated with HitKindKHR must be declared using the Input Storage Class


The variable decorated with HitKindKHR must be declared as a scalar 32-bit integer value