SPIR-V Built-In


Vertices of an intersected triangle

A variable decorated with the HitTriangleVertexPositionsKHR decoration will specify the object space vertices of the triangle at the current intersection in application-provided order. The positions returned are transformed by the geometry transform, which is performed at standard floating-point precision, but without a specifically defined order of floating-point operations to perform the matrix multiplication.

Valid Usage


The HitTriangleVertexPositionsKHR decoration must be used only within the AnyHitKHR or ClosestHitKHR Execution Model


The variable decorated with HitTriangleVertexPositionsKHR must be declared using the Input Storage Class


The variable decorated with HitTriangleVertexPositionsKHR must be declared as an array of three vectors of three 32-bit float values


The variable decorated with HitTriangleVertexPositionsKHR must be used only if the value of HitKindKHR is HitKindFrontFacingTriangleKHR or HitKindBackFacingTriangleKHR


The acceleration structure corresponding to the current intersection must have been built with VK_BUILD_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_ALLOW_DATA_ACCESS_KHR