SPIR-V Built-In


Inner tessellation levels

Decorating a variable with the TessLevelInner built-in decoration will make that variable contain the inner tessellation levels for the current patch.

In tessellation control shaders, the variable decorated with TessLevelInner can be written to, controlling the tessellation factors for the resulting patch. These values are used by the tessellator to control primitive tessellation and can be read by tessellation evaluation shaders.

In tessellation evaluation shaders, the variable decorated with TessLevelInner can read the values written by the tessellation control shader.

Valid Usage


The TessLevelInner decoration must be used only within the TessellationControl or TessellationEvaluation Execution Model


The variable decorated with TessLevelInner within the TessellationControl Execution Model must be declared using the Output Storage Class


The variable decorated with TessLevelInner within the TessellationEvaluation Execution Model must be declared using the Input Storage Class


The variable decorated with TessLevelInner must be declared as an array of size two, containing 32-bit floating-point values