

Structure specifying the advanced blend operation parameters for an attachment

The VkColorBlendAdvancedEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkColorBlendAdvancedEXT {
    VkBlendOp advancedBlendOp;
    VkBool32 srcPremultiplied;
    VkBool32 dstPremultiplied;
    VkBlendOverlapEXT blendOverlap;
    VkBool32 clampResults;
} VkColorBlendAdvancedEXT;
  • advancedBlendOp selects which blend operation is used to calculate the RGB values to write to the color attachment.
  • srcPremultiplied specifies whether the source color of the blend operation is treated as premultiplied.
  • dstPremultiplied specifies whether the destination color of the blend operation is treated as premultiplied.
  • blendOverlap is a VkBlendOverlapEXT value specifying how the source and destination sample’s coverage is correlated.
  • clampResults specifies that results must be clamped to the [0,1] range before writing to the attachment, which is useful when the attachment format is not normalized fixed-point.

Valid Usage


If the non-premultiplied source color property is not supported, srcPremultiplied must be VK_TRUE


If the non-premultiplied destination color property is not supported, dstPremultipliedmust be VK_TRUE


If the correlated overlap property is not supported, blendOverlap must be VK_BLEND_OVERLAP_UNCORRELATED_EXT

Valid Usage (Implicit)