

Structure specifying parameters of an image to host memory copy command

The VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkHostImageCopyFlagsEXT flags;
    VkImage srcImage;
    VkImageLayout srcImageLayout;
    uint32_t regionCount;
    const VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT* pRegions;
} VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • flags is a bitmask of VkHostImageCopyFlagBitsEXT values describing additional copy parameters.
  • srcImage is the source image.
  • srcImageLayout is the layout of the source image subresources for the copy.
  • regionCount is the number of regions to copy.
  • pRegions is a pointer to an array of VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT structures specifying the regions to copy.

vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT does not check whether the device memory associated with srcImage is currently in use before performing the copy. The application must guarantee that any previously submitted command that writes to the copy regions has completed before the host performs the copy.

Copy regions for the image must be aligned to a multiple of the texel block extent in each dimension, except at the edges of the image, where region extents must match the edge of the image.

Valid Usage


If srcImage is sparse then all memory ranges accessed by the copy command must be bound as described in Binding Resource Memory


If the stencil aspect of srcImage is accessed, and srcImage was not created with separate stencil usage, srcImage must have been created with VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT set in VkImageCreateInfo::usage


If the stencil aspect of srcImage is accessed, and srcImage was created with separate stencil usage, srcImage must have been created with VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT set in VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo::stencilUsage


If non-stencil aspects of srcImage are accessed, srcImage must have been created with VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT set in VkImageCreateInfo::usage


If flags contains VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT, the x, y, and z members of the imageOffset member of each element of pRegions must be 0


If flags contains VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT, the imageExtent member of each element of pRegions must equal the extents of srcImage identified by imageSubresource


If srcImage is non-sparse then the image or the specified disjoint plane must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object


The imageSubresource.mipLevel member of each element of pRegions must be less than the mipLevels specified in VkImageCreateInfo when srcImage was created


If imageSubresource.layerCount is not VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS, imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer + imageSubresource.layerCount of each element of pRegionsmust be less than or equal to the arrayLayers specified in VkImageCreateInfo when srcImage was created


srcImage must not have been created with flags containing VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT


The image region specified by each element of pRegions must be contained within the specified imageSubresource of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, imageOffset.x and (imageExtent.width + imageOffset.x) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the width of the specified imageSubresource of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, imageOffset.y and (imageExtent.height + imageOffset.y) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the height of the specified imageSubresource of srcImage


srcImage must have a sample count equal to VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT


If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D, then for each element of pRegions, imageOffset.y must be 0 and imageExtent.height must be 1


For each element of pRegions, imageOffset.z and (imageExtent.depth + imageOffset.z) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the depth of the specified imageSubresource of srcImage


If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D or VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, then for each element of pRegions, imageOffset.z must be 0 and imageExtent.depth must be 1


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR or VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR, imageOffset.x must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180_BIT_KHR or VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR, and imageOffset.x does not equal the width of the subresource specified by imageSubresource, imageOffset.x must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR or VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR, imageOffset.y must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR or VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180_BIT_KHR, and imageOffset.y does not equal the height of the subresource specified by imageSubresource, imageOffset.y must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, imageOffset.z must be a multiple of the texel block extent depth of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR, the sum of imageOffset.x and extent.width does not equal the width of the subresource specified by imageSubresource, extent.width must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR, the difference of imageOffset.x and extent.height must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180_BIT_KHR, the difference of imageOffset.x and extent.width must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR, the sum of imageOffset.x and extent.height does not equal the width of the subresource specified by imageSubresource, extent.height must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR, and the sum of imageOffset.y and extent.height does not equal the height of the subresource specified by imageSubresource, extent.height must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR, the sum of imageOffset.y and extent.width does not equal the height of the subresource specified by imageSubresource, extent.width must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180_BIT_KHR, the difference of imageOffset.y and extent.height must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if VkCopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM::transform is equal to VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR, the difference of imageOffset.y and extent.width must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, if the sum of imageOffset.z and extent.depth does not equal the depth of the subresource specified by srcSubresource, extent.depth must be a multiple of the texel block extent depth of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, imageSubresource.aspectMaskmust specify aspects present in srcImage


If srcImage has a multi-planar image format, then for each element of pRegions, imageSubresource.aspectMask must be a single valid multi-planar aspect mask bit


If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, for each element of pRegions, imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer must be 0 and imageSubresource.layerCount must be 1


For each element of pRegions, memoryRowLength must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, memoryImageHeight must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage


For each element of pRegions, memoryRowLength divided by the texel block extent width and then multiplied by the texel block size of srcImage must be less than or equal to 231-1


srcImageLayout must specify the current layout of the image subresources of srcImage specified in pRegions


srcImageLayout must be one of the image layouts returned in VkPhysicalDeviceHostImageCopyPropertiesEXT::pCopySrcLayouts


If flags includes VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT, for each region in pRegions, memoryRowLength and memoryImageHeight must both be 0

Valid Usage (Implicit)




pRegions must be a valid pointer to an array of regionCount valid VkImageToMemoryCopyEXT structures