

Structure specifying parameters of a newly created debug report callback

The definition of VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT is:

typedef struct VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkDebugReportFlagsEXT flags;
    PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT pfnCallback;
    void* pUserData;
} VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • flags is a bitmask of VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT specifying which event(s) will cause this callback to be called.
  • pfnCallback is the application callback function to call.
  • pUserData is user data to be passed to the callback.

For each VkDebugReportCallbackEXT that is created the VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT::flags determine when that VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT::pfnCallback is called. When an event happens, the implementation will do a bitwise AND of the event’s VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT flags to each VkDebugReportCallbackEXT object’s flags. For each non-zero result the corresponding callback will be called. The callback will come directly from the component that detected the event, unless some other layer intercepts the calls for its own purposes (filter them in a different way, log to a system error log, etc.).

An application may receive multiple callbacks if multiple VkDebugReportCallbackEXT objects were created. A callback will always be executed in the same thread as the originating Vulkan call.

A callback may be called from multiple threads simultaneously (if the application is making Vulkan calls from multiple threads).

Valid Usage (Implicit)
