

Structure specifying device fault information

The VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT {
    VkStructureType sType;
    void* pNext;
    char description[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];
    VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT* pAddressInfos;
    VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT* pVendorInfos;
    void* pVendorBinaryData;
} VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • description is an array of VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE char containing a null-terminated UTF-8 string which is a human readable description of the fault.
  • pAddressInfos is NULL or a pointer to an array of VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT structures describing either memory accesses which may have caused a page fault, or describing active instruction pointers at the time of the fault. If not NULL, each element of pAddressInfos describes the a bounded region of GPU virtual address space containing either the GPU virtual address accessed, or the value of an active instruction pointer.
  • pVendorInfos is NULL or a pointer to an array of VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT structures describing vendor-specific fault information.
  • pVendorBinaryData is NULL or a pointer to vendorBinarySize number of bytes of data, which will be populated with a vendor-specific binary crash dump, as described in Vendor Binary Crash Dumps.

An implementation should populate as many members of VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT as possible, given the information available at the time of the fault and the constraints of the implementation itself.

Due to hardware limitations, pAddressInfos describes ranges of GPU virtual address space, rather than precise addresses. The precise memory address accessed or the precise value of the instruction pointer must lie within the region described.

Each element of pAddressInfos describes either:

  • A memory access which may have triggered a page fault and may have contributed to device loss
  • The value of an active instruction pointer at the time a fault occurred. This value may be indicative of the active pipeline or shader at the time of device loss

Comparison of the GPU virtual addresses described by pAddressInfos to GPU virtual address ranges reported by the VK_EXT_device_address_binding_report extension may allow applications to correlate between these addresses and Vulkan objects. Applications should be aware that these addresses may also correspond to resources internal to an implementation, which will not be reported via the VK_EXT_device_address_binding_report extension.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
