

Structure describing parameters of a queue presentation to a swapchain

The VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkRect2D srcRect;
    VkRect2D dstRect;
    VkBool32 persistent;
} VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • srcRect is a rectangular region of pixels to present. It must be a subset of the image being presented. If VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR is not specified, this region will be assumed to be the entire presentable image.
  • dstRect is a rectangular region within the visible region of the swapchain’s display mode. If VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR is not specified, this region will be assumed to be the entire visible region of the swapchain’s mode. If the specified rectangle is a subset of the display mode’s visible region, content from display planes below the swapchain’s plane will be visible outside the rectangle. If there are no planes below the swapchain’s, the area outside the specified rectangle will be black. If portions of the specified rectangle are outside of the display’s visible region, pixels mapping only to those portions of the rectangle will be discarded.
  • persistent: If this is VK_TRUE, the display engine will enable buffered mode on displays that support it. This allows the display engine to stop sending content to the display until a new image is presented. The display will instead maintain a copy of the last presented image. This allows less power to be used, but may increase presentation latency. If VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR is not specified, persistent mode will not be used.

If the extent of the srcRect and dstRect are not equal, the presented pixels will be scaled accordingly.

Valid Usage


srcRect must specify a rectangular region that is a subset of the image being presented


dstRect must specify a rectangular region that is a subset of the visibleRegion parameter of the display mode the swapchain being presented uses


If the persistentContent member of the VkDisplayPropertiesKHR structure returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR for the display the present operation targets is VK_FALSE, then persistent must be VK_FALSE

Valid Usage (Implicit)
