

Opaque handle to a fence object

Fences are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency from a queue to the host. Fences have two states - signaled and unsignaled. A fence can be signaled as part of the execution of a queue submission command. Fences can be unsignaled on the host with vkResetFences. Fences can be waited on by the host with the vkWaitForFences command, and the current state can be queried with vkGetFenceStatus.

The internal data of a fence may include a reference to any resources and pending work associated with signal or unsignal operations performed on that fence object, collectively referred to as the fence’s payload. Mechanisms to import and export that internal data to and from fences are provided below. These mechanisms indirectly enable applications to share fence state between two or more fences and other synchronization primitives across process and API boundaries.

Fences are represented by VkFence handles: