Function Prototype


Resets one or more fence objects

To set the state of fences to unsignaled from the host, call:

VkResult vkResetFences(
    VkDevice device,
    uint32_t fenceCount,
    const VkFence* pFences);
  • device is the logical device that owns the fences.
  • fenceCount is the number of fences to reset.
  • pFences is a pointer to an array of fence handles to reset.

If any member of pFences currently has its payload imported with temporary permanence, that fence’s prior permanent payload is first restored. The remaining operations described therefore operate on the restored payload.

When vkResetFences is executed on the host, it defines a fence unsignal operation for each fence, which resets the fence to the unsignaled state.

If any member of pFences is already in the unsignaled state when vkResetFences is executed, then vkResetFences has no effect on that fence.

Valid Usage


Each element of pFences must not be currently associated with any queue command that has not yet completed execution on that queue

Valid Usage (Implicit)


device must be a valid VkDevice handle


pFences must be a valid pointer to an array of fenceCount valid VkFence handles


fenceCount must be greater than 0


Each element of pFences must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device

Host Synchronization

  • Host access to each member of pFences must be externally synchronized ::