

Specify HDR metadata

The VkHdrMetadataEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkHdrMetadataEXT {
    // Display primary in chromaticity coordinates;
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    //  From SMPTE 2086;
    VkXYColorEXT displayPrimaryRed;
    VkXYColorEXT displayPrimaryGreen;
    VkXYColorEXT displayPrimaryBlue;
    VkXYColorEXT whitePoint;
    float maxLuminance;
    float minLuminance;
    //  From CTA 861.3;
    float maxContentLightLevel;
    float maxFrameAverageLightLevel;
} VkHdrMetadataEXT;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • displayPrimaryRed is a VkXYColorEXT structure specifying the red primary of the display used to optimize the content
  • displayPrimaryGreen is a VkXYColorEXT structure specifying the green primary of the display used to optimize the content
  • displayPrimaryBlue is a VkXYColorEXT structure specifying the blue primary of the display used to optimize the content
  • whitePoint is a VkXYColorEXT structure specifying the white-point of the display used to optimize the content
  • maxLuminance is the maximum luminance of the display used to optimize the content in nits
  • minLuminance is the minimum luminance of the display used to optimize the content in nits
  • maxContentLightLevel is the value in nits of the desired luminance for the brightest pixels in the displayed image.
  • maxFrameAverageLightLevel is the value in nits of the average luminance of the frame which has the brightest average luminance anywhere in the content.

If any of the above values are unknown, they can be set to 0.

The meta-data provided here is intended to be used as defined in the SMPTE 2086, CTA 861.3 and CIE 15:2004 specifications. The validity and use of this data is outside the scope of Vulkan.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
