

Specify image alignment

If the pNext list of VkImageCreateInfo includes a VkImageAlignmentControlCreateInfoMESA structure, then that structure describes desired alignment for this image.

The VkImageAlignmentControlCreateInfoMESA structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkImageAlignmentControlCreateInfoMESA {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    uint32_t maximumRequestedAlignment;
} VkImageAlignmentControlCreateInfoMESA;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • maximumRequestedAlignment specifies the maximum alignment for the image.

If maximumRequestedAlignment is not 0, the implementation should choose an image memory layout that requires an alignment no larger than maximumRequestedAlignment as reported in VkMemoryRequirements::alignment. If such a layout does not exist for the given image creation parameters, the implementation should return the smallest alignment which is supported in VkMemoryRequirements.

If an implementation needs to disable image compression for maximumRequestedAlignment to be honored - where a larger alignment would enable image compression - the implementation should not use maximumRequestedAlignment, and should return the smallest alignment which does not compromise compression. If imageCompressionControl is enabled, the application can chain a VkImageCompressionControlEXT with VK_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_DISABLED_EXT. In this case, image compression considerations should not apply when implementation decides alignment.

Valid Usage


If maximumRequestedAlignment is not 0, maximumRequestedAlignment must be a power of two


If maximumRequestedAlignment is not 0, the bitwise-and of maximumRequestedAlignment and supportedImageAlignmentMaskmust be non-zero

Valid Usage (Implicit)
