

Structure specifying input streams for generated command tokens

The VkIndirectCommandsStreamNV structure specifies the input data for one or more tokens at processing time.

typedef struct VkIndirectCommandsStreamNV {
    VkBuffer buffer;
    VkDeviceSize offset;
} VkIndirectCommandsStreamNV;
  • buffer specifies the VkBuffer storing the functional arguments for each sequence. These arguments can be written by the device.
  • offset specified an offset into buffer where the arguments start.

Valid Usage


The buffer’s usage flag must have the VK_BUFFER_USAGE_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BIT bit set


The offset must be aligned to VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV::minIndirectCommandsBufferOffsetAlignment


If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object

Valid Usage (Implicit)