

Structure describing the out-of-bounds behavior for an implementation

The VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures {
    VkStructureType sType;
    void* pNext;
    VkBool32 robustImageAccess;
} VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures;

or the equivalent

typedef VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeaturesEXT;

This structure describes the following feature:

  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • robustImageAccess indicates whether image accesses are tightly bounds-checked against the dimensions of the image view. Invalid texels resulting from out of bounds image loads will be replaced as described in Texel Replacement, with either (0,0,1) or (0,0,0) values inserted for missing G, B, or A components based on the format.

If the VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures structure is included in the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 structure passed to vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2, it is filled in to indicate whether each corresponding feature is supported. VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures can also be used in the pNext chain of VkDeviceCreateInfo to selectively enable these features.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
