

Structure describing robust buffer access properties supported by an implementation

The VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT {
    VkStructureType sType;
    void* pNext;
    VkDeviceSize robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment;
    VkDeviceSize robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment;
} VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment is the number of bytes that the range of a storage buffer descriptor is rounded up to when used for bounds-checking when the robustBufferAccess2 feature is enabled. This value must be either 1 or 4.
  • robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment is the number of bytes that the range of a uniform buffer descriptor is rounded up to when used for bounds-checking when the robustBufferAccess2 feature is enabled. This value must be a power of two in the range [1, 256].

If the VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT structure is included in the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure passed to vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2, it is filled in with each corresponding implementation-dependent property.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
