

Structure specifying a specialization map entry

The VkSpecializationMapEntry structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkSpecializationMapEntry {
    uint32_t constantID;
    uint32_t offset;
    size_t size;
} VkSpecializationMapEntry;
  • constantID is the ID of the specialization constant in SPIR-V.
  • offset is the byte offset of the specialization constant value within the supplied data buffer.
  • size is the byte size of the specialization constant value within the supplied data buffer.

If a constantID value is not a specialization constant ID used in the shader, that map entry does not affect the behavior of the pipeline.

Valid Usage


For a constantID specialization constant declared in a shader, size must match the byte size of the constantID. If the specialization constant is of type boolean, size must be the byte size of VkBool32