

Structure specifying stencil operation state

The VkStencilOpState structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkStencilOpState {
    VkStencilOp failOp;
    VkStencilOp passOp;
    VkStencilOp depthFailOp;
    VkCompareOp compareOp;
    uint32_t compareMask;
    uint32_t writeMask;
    uint32_t reference;
} VkStencilOpState;
  • failOp is a VkStencilOp value specifying the action performed on samples that fail the stencil test.
  • passOp is a VkStencilOp value specifying the action performed on samples that pass both the depth and stencil tests.
  • depthFailOp is a VkStencilOp value specifying the action performed on samples that pass the stencil test and fail the depth test.
  • compareOp is a VkCompareOp value specifying the comparison operator used in the stencil test.
  • compareMask selects the bits of the unsigned integer stencil values participating in the stencil test.
  • writeMask selects the bits of the unsigned integer stencil values updated by the stencil test in the stencil framebuffer attachment.
  • reference is an integer stencil reference value that is used in the unsigned stencil comparison.

Valid Usage (Implicit)