

Structure specifying a queue submit operation

The VkSubmitInfo2 structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkSubmitInfo2 {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkSubmitFlags flags;
    uint32_t waitSemaphoreInfoCount;
    const VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo* pWaitSemaphoreInfos;
    uint32_t commandBufferInfoCount;
    const VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo* pCommandBufferInfos;
    uint32_t signalSemaphoreInfoCount;
    const VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo* pSignalSemaphoreInfos;
} VkSubmitInfo2;

or the equivalent

typedef VkSubmitInfo2 VkSubmitInfo2KHR;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • flags is a bitmask of VkSubmitFlagBits.
  • waitSemaphoreInfoCount is the number of elements in pWaitSemaphoreInfos.
  • pWaitSemaphoreInfos is a pointer to an array of VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo structures defining semaphore wait operations.
  • commandBufferInfoCount is the number of elements in pCommandBufferInfos and the number of command buffers to execute in the batch.
  • pCommandBufferInfos is a pointer to an array of VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo structures describing command buffers to execute in the batch.
  • signalSemaphoreInfoCount is the number of elements in pSignalSemaphoreInfos.
  • pSignalSemaphoreInfos is a pointer to an array of VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo describing semaphore signal operations.

Valid Usage


If the same semaphore is used as the semaphore member of both an element of pSignalSemaphoreInfos and pWaitSemaphoreInfos, and that semaphore is a timeline semaphore, the value member of the pSignalSemaphoreInfos element must be greater than the value member of the pWaitSemaphoreInfos element


If the semaphore member of any element of pSignalSemaphoreInfos is a timeline semaphore, the value member of that element must have a value greater than the current value of the semaphore when the semaphore signal operation is executed


If the semaphore member of any element of pSignalSemaphoreInfos is a timeline semaphore, the value member of that element must have a value which does not differ from the current value of the semaphore or the value of any outstanding semaphore wait or signal operation on that semaphore by more than maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference


If the semaphore member of any element of pWaitSemaphoreInfos is a timeline semaphore, the value member of that element must have a value which does not differ from the current value of the semaphore or the value of any outstanding semaphore wait or signal operation on that semaphore by more than maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference


If any commandBuffer member of an element of pCommandBufferInfos contains any resumed render pass instances, they must be suspended by a render pass instance earlier in submission order within pCommandBufferInfos


If any commandBuffer member of an element of pCommandBufferInfos contains any suspended render pass instances, they must be resumed by a render pass instance later in submission order within pCommandBufferInfos


If any commandBuffer member of an element of pCommandBufferInfos contains any suspended render pass instances, there must be no action or synchronization commands between that render pass instance and the render pass instance that resumes it


If any commandBuffer member of an element of pCommandBufferInfos contains any suspended render pass instances, there must be no render pass instances between that render pass instance and the render pass instance that resumes it


If the variableSampleLocations limit is not supported, and any commandBuffer member of an element of pCommandBufferInfos contains any suspended render pass instances, where a graphics pipeline has been bound, any pipelines bound in the render pass instance that resumes it, or any subsequent render pass instances that resume from that one and so on, must use the same sample locations

Valid Usage (Implicit)




Each pNext member of any structure (including this one) in the pNext chain must be either NULL or a pointer to a valid instance of VkFrameBoundaryEXT, VkLatencySubmissionPresentIdNV, VkPerformanceQuerySubmitInfoKHR, VkWin32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoKHR, or VkWin32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoNV


The sType value of each struct in the pNext chain must be unique


flags must be a valid combination of VkSubmitFlagBits values


If waitSemaphoreInfoCount is not 0, pWaitSemaphoreInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of waitSemaphoreInfoCount valid VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo structures


If commandBufferInfoCount is not 0, pCommandBufferInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of commandBufferInfoCount valid VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo structures


If signalSemaphoreInfoCount is not 0, pSignalSemaphoreInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of signalSemaphoreInfoCount valid VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo structures