

Scaling behavior when presenting to the surface

When an application presents a swapchain image with dimensions different than those of the target surface, different behavior is possible on different platforms per their respective specifications:

  • Presentation fails and VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR is returned
  • Scaling is done and VK_SUCCESS or VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR is returned
  • Unspecified scaling using an arbitrary combination of stretching, centering and/or clipping.

Applications can define specific behavior when creating a swapchain by including the VkSwapchainPresentScalingCreateInfoEXT structure in the pNext chain of the VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR structure.

The VkSwapchainPresentScalingCreateInfoEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkSwapchainPresentScalingCreateInfoEXT {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkPresentScalingFlagsEXT scalingBehavior;
    VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT presentGravityX;
    VkPresentGravityFlagsEXT presentGravityY;
} VkSwapchainPresentScalingCreateInfoEXT;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • scalingBehavior is 0 or the scaling method to use when the dimensions of the surface and swapchain images differ.
  • presentGravityX is 0 or the x-axis direction in which swapchain image pixels gravitate relative to the surface when scalingBehavior does not result in a one-to-one pixel mapping between the scaled swapchain image and the surface.
  • presentGravityY is 0 or the y-axis direction in which swapchain image pixels gravitate relative to the surface when scalingBehavior does not result in a one-to-one pixel mapping between the scaled swapchain image and the surface.

If scalingBehavior is 0, the result of presenting a swapchain image with dimensions that do not match the surface dimensions is implementation and platform-dependent. If presentGravityX or presentGravityY are 0, the presentation gravity must match that defined by the native platform surface on platforms which define surface gravity.

Valid Usage


If presentGravityX is 0, presentGravityY must be 0


If presentGravityX is not 0, presentGravityY must not be 0


scalingBehavior must not have more than one bit set


presentGravityX must not have more than one bit set


presentGravityY must not have more than one bit set


scalingBehavior must be 0 or a valid scaling method for the surface as returned in VkSurfacePresentScalingCapabilitiesEXT::supportedPresentScaling, given VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR::presentMode in VkSurfacePresentModeEXT


If the swapchain is created with VkSwapchainPresentModesCreateInfoEXT, scalingBehavior must be 0 or a valid scaling method for the surface as returned in VkSurfacePresentScalingCapabilitiesEXT::supportedPresentScaling, given each present mode in VkSwapchainPresentModesCreateInfoEXT::pPresentModes in VkSurfacePresentModeEXT


presentGravityX must be 0 or a valid x-axis present gravity for the surface as returned in VkSurfacePresentScalingCapabilitiesEXT::supportedPresentGravityX, given VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR::presentMode in VkSurfacePresentModeEXT


If the swapchain is created with VkSwapchainPresentModesCreateInfoEXT, presentGravityX must be 0 or a valid x-axis present gravity for the surface as returned in VkSurfacePresentScalingCapabilitiesEXT::supportedPresentGravityX, given each present mode in VkSwapchainPresentModesCreateInfoEXT::pPresentModes in VkSurfacePresentModeEXT


presentGravityY must be 0 or a valid y-axis present gravity for the surface as returned in VkSurfacePresentScalingCapabilitiesEXT::supportedPresentGravityY, given VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR::presentMode in VkSurfacePresentModeEXT


If the swapchain is created with VkSwapchainPresentModesCreateInfoEXT, presentGravityY must be 0 or a valid y-axis present gravity for the surface as returned in VkSurfacePresentScalingCapabilitiesEXT::supportedPresentGravityY, given each present mode in VkSwapchainPresentModesCreateInfoEXT::pPresentModes in VkSurfacePresentModeEXT


If the swapchainMaintenance1 feature is not enabled, then presentScaling, presentGravityX, and presentGravityY must be 0

Valid Usage (Implicit)
