

Structure specifies H.265 encoder parameter set information

When a video session parameters object is created with the codec operation VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H265_BIT_KHR, the VkVideoSessionParametersCreateInfoKHR::pNext chain must include a VkVideoEncodeH265SessionParametersCreateInfoKHR structure specifying the capacity and initial contents of the object.

The VkVideoEncodeH265SessionParametersCreateInfoKHR structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkVideoEncodeH265SessionParametersCreateInfoKHR {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    uint32_t maxStdVPSCount;
    uint32_t maxStdSPSCount;
    uint32_t maxStdPPSCount;
    const VkVideoEncodeH265SessionParametersAddInfoKHR* pParametersAddInfo;
} VkVideoEncodeH265SessionParametersCreateInfoKHR;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • maxStdVPSCount is the maximum number of H.265 VPS entries the created VkVideoSessionParametersKHR can contain.
  • maxStdSPSCount is the maximum number of H.265 SPS entries the created VkVideoSessionParametersKHR can contain.
  • maxStdPPSCount is the maximum number of H.265 PPS entries the created VkVideoSessionParametersKHR can contain.
  • pParametersAddInfo is NULL or a pointer to a VkVideoEncodeH265SessionParametersAddInfoKHR structure specifying H.265 parameters to add upon object creation.

Valid Usage (Implicit)




If pParametersAddInfo is not NULL, pParametersAddInfo must be a valid pointer to a valid VkVideoEncodeH265SessionParametersAddInfoKHR structure