

Structure specifying a video profile

The VkVideoProfileInfoKHR structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct VkVideoProfileInfoKHR {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR videoCodecOperation;
    VkVideoChromaSubsamplingFlagsKHR chromaSubsampling;
    VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR lumaBitDepth;
    VkVideoComponentBitDepthFlagsKHR chromaBitDepth;
} VkVideoProfileInfoKHR;

Video profiles are provided as input to video capability queries such as vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoCapabilitiesKHR or vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoFormatPropertiesKHR, as well as when creating resources to be used by video coding operations such as images, buffers, query pools, and video sessions.

The full description of a video profile is specified by an instance of this structure, and the codec-specific and auxiliary structures provided in its pNext chain.

When this structure is specified as an input parameter to vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoCapabilitiesKHR, or through the pProfiles member of a VkVideoProfileListInfoKHR structure in the pNext chain of the input parameter of a query command such as vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoFormatPropertiesKHR or vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2, the following error codes indicate specific causes of the failure of the query operation:

  • VK_ERROR_VIDEO_PICTURE_LAYOUT_NOT_SUPPORTED_KHR indicates that the requested video picture layout (e.g. through the pictureLayout member of a VkVideoDecodeH264ProfileInfoKHR structure included in the pNext chain of VkVideoProfileInfoKHR) is not supported.
  • VK_ERROR_VIDEO_PROFILE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_KHR indicates that a video profile operation specified by videoCodecOperation is not supported.
  • VK_ERROR_VIDEO_PROFILE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED_KHR indicates that video format parameters specified by chromaSubsampling, lumaBitDepth, or chromaBitDepth are not supported.
  • VK_ERROR_VIDEO_PROFILE_CODEC_NOT_SUPPORTED_KHR indicates that the codec-specific parameters corresponding to the video codec operation are not supported.

Valid Usage


chromaSubsampling must have a single bit set


lumaBitDepth must have a single bit set


If chromaSubsampling is not VK_VIDEO_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING_MONOCHROME_BIT_KHR, then chromaBitDepth must have a single bit set


If videoCodecOperation is VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_DECODE_H264_BIT_KHR, then the pNext chain must include a VkVideoDecodeH264ProfileInfoKHR structure


If videoCodecOperation is VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_DECODE_H265_BIT_KHR, then the pNext chain must include a VkVideoDecodeH265ProfileInfoKHR structure


If videoCodecOperation is VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_DECODE_AV1_BIT_KHR, then the pNext chain must include a VkVideoDecodeAV1ProfileInfoKHR structure


If videoCodecOperation is VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H264_BIT_KHR, then the pNext chain must include a VkVideoEncodeH264ProfileInfoKHR structure


If videoCodecOperation is VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H265_BIT_KHR, then the pNext chain must include a VkVideoEncodeH265ProfileInfoKHR structure

Valid Usage (Implicit)