Function Prototype


Acquire full-screen exclusive mode for a swapchain

To acquire exclusive full-screen access for a swapchain, call:

VkResult vkAcquireFullScreenExclusiveModeEXT(
    VkDevice device,
    VkSwapchainKHR swapchain);
  • device is the device associated with swapchain.
  • swapchain is the swapchain to acquire exclusive full-screen access for.

Valid Usage


swapchain must not be in the retired state


swapchain must be a swapchain created with a VkSurfaceFullScreenExclusiveInfoEXT structure, with fullScreenExclusive set to VK_FULL_SCREEN_EXCLUSIVE_APPLICATION_CONTROLLED_EXT


swapchain must not currently have exclusive full-screen access

A return value of VK_SUCCESS indicates that the swapchain successfully acquired exclusive full-screen access. The swapchain will retain this exclusivity until either the application releases exclusive full-screen access with vkReleaseFullScreenExclusiveModeEXT, destroys the swapchain, or if any of the swapchain commands return VK_ERROR_FULL_SCREEN_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_LOST_EXT indicating that the mode was lost because of platform-specific changes.

If the swapchain was unable to acquire exclusive full-screen access to the display then VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED is returned. An application can attempt to acquire exclusive full-screen access again for the same swapchain even if this command fails, or if VK_ERROR_FULL_SCREEN_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_LOST_EXT has been returned by a swapchain command.

Valid Usage (Implicit)


swapchain must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device