Function Prototype


Bind Video Memory

To attach memory to a video session object, call:

VkResult vkBindVideoSessionMemoryKHR(
    VkDevice device,
    VkVideoSessionKHR videoSession,
    uint32_t bindSessionMemoryInfoCount,
    const VkBindVideoSessionMemoryInfoKHR* pBindSessionMemoryInfos);
  • device is the logical device that owns the video session.
  • videoSession is the video session to be bound with device memory.
  • bindSessionMemoryInfoCount is the number of elements in pBindSessionMemoryInfos.
  • pBindSessionMemoryInfos is a pointer to an array of bindSessionMemoryInfoCount VkBindVideoSessionMemoryInfoKHR structures specifying memory regions to be bound to specific memory bindings of the video session.

The valid usage statements below refer to the VkMemoryRequirements structure corresponding to a specific element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos, which is defined as follows:

  • If the memoryBindIndex member of the element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos in question matches the memoryBindIndex member of one of the elements returned in pMemoryRequirements when vkGetVideoSessionMemoryRequirementsKHR is called with the same videoSession and with pMemoryRequirementsCount equal to bindSessionMemoryInfoCount, then the memoryRequirements member of that element of pMemoryRequirements is the VkMemoryRequirements structure corresponding to the element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos in question.
  • Otherwise the element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos in question is said to not have a corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure.

Valid Usage


The memory binding of videoSession identified by the memoryBindIndex member of any element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos must not already be backed by a memory object


The memoryBindIndex member of each element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos must be unique within pBindSessionMemoryInfos


Each element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos must have a corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure


If an element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos has a corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure, then the memory member of that element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos must have been allocated using one of the memory types allowed in the memoryTypeBits member of the corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure


If an element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos has a corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure, then the memoryOffset member of that element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos must be an integer multiple of the alignment member of the corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure


If an element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos has a corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure, then the memorySize member of that element of pBindSessionMemoryInfos must equal the size member of the corresponding VkMemoryRequirements structure

Valid Usage (Implicit)


pBindSessionMemoryInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of bindSessionMemoryInfoCount valid VkBindVideoSessionMemoryInfoKHR structures


bindSessionMemoryInfoCount must be greater than 0


videoSession must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device

Host Synchronization

  • Host access to videoSession must be externally synchronized ::