Function Prototype


Serialize a micromap on the host

To copy a micromap to host accessible memory, call:

VkResult vkCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT(
    VkDevice device,
    VkDeferredOperationKHR deferredOperation,
    const VkCopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT* pInfo);

This command fulfills the same task as vkCmdCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT but is executed by the host.

This command produces the same results as vkCmdCopyMicromapToMemoryEXT, but writes its result directly to a host pointer, and is executed on the host rather than the device. The output may not necessarily be bit-for-bit identical, but it can be equally used by either vkCmdCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT or vkCopyMemoryToMicromapEXT.

Valid Usage


Any previous deferred operation that was associated with deferredOperation must be complete


The buffer used to create pInfo→src must be bound to host-visible device memory


pInfo→dst.hostAddress must be a valid host pointer


pInfo→dst.hostAddress must be aligned to 16 bytes


The buffer used to create pInfo→src must be bound to memory that was not allocated with multiple instances

Valid Usage (Implicit)


If deferredOperation is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, deferredOperation must be a valid VkDeferredOperationKHR handle


pInfo must be a valid pointer to a valid VkCopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT structure


If deferredOperation is a valid handle, it must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device