Function Prototype


Flush mapped memory ranges

To flush ranges of non-coherent memory from the host caches, call:

VkResult vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges(
    VkDevice device,
    uint32_t memoryRangeCount,
    const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemoryRanges);
  • device is the logical device that owns the memory ranges.
  • memoryRangeCount is the length of the pMemoryRanges array.
  • pMemoryRanges is a pointer to an array of VkMappedMemoryRange structures describing the memory ranges to flush.

vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges guarantees that host writes to the memory ranges described by pMemoryRanges are made available to the host memory domain, such that they can be made available to the device memory domain via memory domain operations using the VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT

access type.

Within each range described by pMemoryRanges, each set of nonCoherentAtomSize bytes in that range is flushed if any byte in that set has been written by the host since it was first host mapped, or the last time it was flushed. If pMemoryRanges includes sets of nonCoherentAtomSize bytes where no bytes have been written by the host, those bytes must not be flushed.

Unmapping non-coherent memory does not implicitly flush the host mapped memory, and host writes that have not been flushed may not ever be visible to the device. However, implementations must ensure that writes that have not been flushed do not become visible to any other memory.

The above guarantee avoids a potential memory corruption in scenarios where host writes to a mapped memory object have not been flushed before the memory is unmapped (or freed), and the virtual address range is subsequently reused for a different mapping (or memory allocation).

Valid Usage (Implicit)


pMemoryRanges must be a valid pointer to an array of memoryRangeCount valid VkMappedMemoryRange structures