Function Prototype


Retrieve information about an image subresource without an image object

To query the memory layout of an image subresource, without an image object, call:

void vkGetDeviceImageSubresourceLayoutKHR(
    VkDevice device,
    const VkDeviceImageSubresourceInfoKHR* pInfo,
    VkSubresourceLayout2KHR* pLayout);
  • device is the logical device that owns the image.
  • pInfo is a pointer to a VkDeviceImageSubresourceInfoKHR structure containing parameters required for the subresource layout query.
  • pLayout is a pointer to a VkSubresourceLayout2KHR structure in which the layout is returned.

vkGetDeviceImageSubresourceLayoutKHR behaves similarly to vkGetImageSubresourceLayout2KHR, but uses a VkImageCreateInfo structure to specify the image rather than a VkImage object.