Function Prototype


Get a queue handle from a device

To retrieve a handle to a VkQueue object, call:

void vkGetDeviceQueue(
    VkDevice device,
    uint32_t queueFamilyIndex,
    uint32_t queueIndex,
    VkQueue* pQueue);
  • device is the logical device that owns the queue.
  • queueFamilyIndex is the index of the queue family to which the queue belongs.
  • queueIndex is the index within this queue family of the queue to retrieve.
  • pQueue is a pointer to a VkQueue object that will be filled with the handle for the requested queue.

Valid Usage


queueFamilyIndex must be one of the queue family indices specified when device was created, via the VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo structure


queueIndex must be less than the value of VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo::queueCount for the queue family indicated by queueFamilyIndex when device was created


VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo::flags must have been set to zero when device was created

Valid Usage (Implicit)


pQueue must be a valid pointer to a VkQueue handle