Function Prototype


Lists physical device's image format capabilities

To query additional capabilities specific to image types, call:

VkResult vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR(
    VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
    const VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2* pImageFormatInfo,
    VkImageFormatProperties2* pImageFormatProperties);

vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2 behaves similarly to vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties, with the ability to return extended information in a pNext chain of output structures.

If the pNext chain of pImageFormatInfo includes a VkVideoProfileListInfoKHR structure with a profileCount member greater than 0, then this command returns format capabilities specific to image types used in conjunction with the specified video profiles. In this case, this command will return one of the video-profile-specific error codes if any of the profiles specified via VkVideoProfileListInfoKHR::pProfiles are not supported. Furthermore, if VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2::usage includes any image usage flag not supported by the specified video profiles, then this command returns VK_ERROR_IMAGE_USAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED_KHR.

Valid Usage


If the pNext chain of pImageFormatProperties includes a VkAndroidHardwareBufferUsageANDROID structure, the pNext chain of pImageFormatInfo must include a VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo structure with handleType set to VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_ANDROID_HARDWARE_BUFFER_BIT_ANDROID


If the pNext chain of pImageFormatProperties includes a VkHostImageCopyDevicePerformanceQueryEXT structure, pImageFormatInfo→usage must contain VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT