Function Prototype


Attach arbitrary data to an object
VkResult vkSetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT(
    VkDevice device,
    const VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT* pTagInfo);
  • device is the device that created the object.
  • pTagInfo is a pointer to a VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT structure specifying parameters of the tag to attach to the object.

Valid Usage


If pNameInfo→objectHandle is the valid handle of an instance-level object, the VkDevice identified by devicemust be a descendent of the same VkInstance as the object identified by pNameInfo→objectHandle


If pNameInfo→objectHandle is the valid handle of a physical-device-level object, the VkDevice identified by device must be a descendant of the same VkPhysicalDevice as the object identified by pNameInfo→objectHandle


If pNameInfo→objectHandle is the valid handle of a device-level object, that object must be a descendent of the VkDevice identified by device

Valid Usage (Implicit)

Host Synchronization

  • Host access to pTagInfo→objectHandle must be externally synchronized ::