SPIR-V Built-In


Application-specified clip distances

Decorating a variable with the ClipDistance built-in decoration will make that variable contain the mechanism for controlling user clipping. ClipDistance is an array such that the ith element of the array specifies the clip distance for plane i. A clip distance of 0 means the vertex is on the plane, a positive distance means the vertex is inside the clip half-space, and a negative distance means the vertex is outside the clip half-space.

The array variable decorated with ClipDistance is explicitly sized by the shader.

In the last pre-rasterization shader stage, these values will be linearly interpolated across the primitive and the portion of the primitive with interpolated distances less than 0 will be considered outside the clip volume. If ClipDistance is then used by a fragment shader, ClipDistance contains these linearly interpolated values.

Valid Usage


The ClipDistance decoration must be used only within the MeshEXT, MeshNV, Vertex, Fragment, TessellationControl, TessellationEvaluation, or Geometry

Execution Model


The variable decorated with ClipDistance within the MeshEXT, MeshNV, or Vertex Execution Model must be declared using the Output Storage Class


The variable decorated with ClipDistance within the Fragment

Execution Model must be declared using the Input Storage Class


The variable decorated with ClipDistance within the TessellationControl, TessellationEvaluation, or Geometry

Execution Model must not be declared in a Storage Class other than Input or Output


The variable decorated with ClipDistance must be declared as an array of 32-bit floating-point values