

Structure specifying values for Direct3D 12 fence-backed semaphores

To specify the values to use when waiting for and signaling semaphores whose current payload refers to a Direct3D 12 fence, add a VkD3D12FenceSubmitInfoKHR structure to the pNext chain of the VkSubmitInfo structure. The VkD3D12FenceSubmitInfoKHR structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkD3D12FenceSubmitInfoKHR {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    uint32_t waitSemaphoreValuesCount;
    const uint64_t* pWaitSemaphoreValues;
    uint32_t signalSemaphoreValuesCount;
    const uint64_t* pSignalSemaphoreValues;
} VkD3D12FenceSubmitInfoKHR;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • waitSemaphoreValuesCount is the number of semaphore wait values specified in pWaitSemaphoreValues.
  • pWaitSemaphoreValues is a pointer to an array of waitSemaphoreValuesCount values for the corresponding semaphores in VkSubmitInfo::pWaitSemaphores to wait for.
  • signalSemaphoreValuesCount is the number of semaphore signal values specified in pSignalSemaphoreValues.
  • pSignalSemaphoreValues is a pointer to an array of signalSemaphoreValuesCount values for the corresponding semaphores in VkSubmitInfo::pSignalSemaphores to set when signaled.

If the semaphore in VkSubmitInfo::pWaitSemaphores or VkSubmitInfo::pSignalSemaphores corresponding to an entry in pWaitSemaphoreValues or pSignalSemaphoreValues respectively does not currently have a payload referring to a Direct3D 12 fence, the implementation must ignore the value in the pWaitSemaphoreValues or pSignalSemaphoreValues entry.

As the introduction of the external semaphore handle type VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_FENCE_BIT predates that of timeline semaphores, support for importing semaphore payloads from external handles of that type into semaphores created (implicitly or explicitly) with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_BINARY is preserved for backwards compatibility. However, applications should prefer importing such handle types into semaphores created with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE, and use the VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo structure instead of the VkD3D12FenceSubmitInfoKHR structure to specify the values to use when waiting for and signaling such semaphores.

Valid Usage


waitSemaphoreValuesCount must be the same value as VkSubmitInfo::waitSemaphoreCount, where this structure is in the pNext chain of a VkSubmitInfo structure


signalSemaphoreValuesCount must be the same value as VkSubmitInfo::signalSemaphoreCount, where this structure is in the pNext chain of a VkSubmitInfo structure

Valid Usage (Implicit)




If waitSemaphoreValuesCount is not 0, and pWaitSemaphoreValues is not NULL, pWaitSemaphoreValues must be a valid pointer to an array of waitSemaphoreValuesCount uint64_t values


If signalSemaphoreValuesCount is not 0, and pSignalSemaphoreValues is not NULL, pSignalSemaphoreValues must be a valid pointer to an array of signalSemaphoreValuesCount uint64_t values