

Structure specifying a queue submit operation

The VkSubmitInfo structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkSubmitInfo {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    uint32_t waitSemaphoreCount;
    const VkSemaphore* pWaitSemaphores;
    const VkPipelineStageFlags* pWaitDstStageMask;
    uint32_t commandBufferCount;
    const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers;
    uint32_t signalSemaphoreCount;
    const VkSemaphore* pSignalSemaphores;
} VkSubmitInfo;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • waitSemaphoreCount is the number of semaphores upon which to wait before executing the command buffers for the batch.
  • pWaitSemaphores is a pointer to an array of VkSemaphore handles upon which to wait before the command buffers for this batch begin execution. If semaphores to wait on are provided, they define a semaphore wait operation.
  • pWaitDstStageMask is a pointer to an array of pipeline stages at which each corresponding semaphore wait will occur.
  • commandBufferCount is the number of command buffers to execute in the batch.
  • pCommandBuffers is a pointer to an array of VkCommandBuffer handles to execute in the batch.
  • signalSemaphoreCount is the number of semaphores to be signaled once the commands specified in pCommandBuffers have completed execution.
  • pSignalSemaphores is a pointer to an array of VkSemaphore handles which will be signaled when the command buffers for this batch have completed execution. If semaphores to be signaled are provided, they define a semaphore signal operation.

The order that command buffers appear in pCommandBuffers is used to determine submission order, and thus all the implicit ordering guarantees that respect it. Other than these implicit ordering guarantees and any explicit synchronization primitives, these command buffers may overlap or otherwise execute out of order.

Valid Usage


If the geometryShader feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT


If the tessellationShader feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT or VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT


If the conditionalRendering feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_BIT_EXT


If the fragmentDensityMap feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_PROCESS_BIT_EXT


If the transformFeedback feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BIT_EXT


If the meshShader feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_MESH_SHADER_BIT_EXT


If the taskShader feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TASK_SHADER_BIT_EXT


If neither the shadingRateImage or attachmentFragmentShadingRate are enabled, pWaitDstStageMaskmust not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR


If the synchronization2 feature is not enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not be 0


If neither the VK_NV_ray_tracing extension or rayTracingPipeline feature are enabled, pWaitDstStageMask must not contain VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_RAY_TRACING_SHADER_BIT_KHR


Each element of pCommandBuffers must not have been allocated with VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY


Each element of pWaitDstStageMask must not include VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT


If any element of pWaitSemaphores or pSignalSemaphores was created with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE, then the pNext chain must include a VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo structure


If the pNext chain of this structure includes a VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo structure and any element of pWaitSemaphores was created with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE, then its waitSemaphoreValueCount member must equal waitSemaphoreCount


If the pNext chain of this structure includes a VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo structure and any element of pSignalSemaphores was created with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE, then its signalSemaphoreValueCount member must equal signalSemaphoreCount


For each element of pSignalSemaphores created with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE the corresponding element of VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo::pSignalSemaphoreValues must have a value greater than the current value of the semaphore when the semaphore signal operation is executed


For each element of pWaitSemaphores created with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE the corresponding element of VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo::pWaitSemaphoreValues must have a value which does not differ from the current value of the semaphore or the value of any outstanding semaphore wait or signal operation on that semaphore by more than maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference


For each element of pSignalSemaphores created with a VkSemaphoreType of VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE the corresponding element of VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo::pSignalSemaphoreValues must have a value which does not differ from the current value of the semaphore or the value of any outstanding semaphore wait or signal operation on that semaphore by more than maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference


If pCommandBuffers contains any resumed render pass instances, they must be suspended by a render pass instance earlier in submission order within pCommandBuffers


If pCommandBuffers contains any suspended render pass instances, they must be resumed by a render pass instance later in submission order within pCommandBuffers


If pCommandBuffers contains any suspended render pass instances, there must be no action or synchronization commands executed in a primary or secondary command buffer between that render pass instance and the render pass instance that resumes it


If pCommandBuffers contains any suspended render pass instances, there must be no render pass instances between that render pass instance and the render pass instance that resumes it


If the variableSampleLocations limit is not supported, and any element of pCommandBuffers contains any suspended render pass instances, where a graphics pipeline has been bound, any pipelines bound in the render pass instance that resumes it, or any subsequent render pass instances that resume from that one and so on, must use the same sample locations

Valid Usage (Implicit)




The sType value of each struct in the pNext chain must be unique


If waitSemaphoreCount is not 0, pWaitSemaphores must be a valid pointer to an array of waitSemaphoreCount valid VkSemaphore handles


If waitSemaphoreCount is not 0, pWaitDstStageMask must be a valid pointer to an array of waitSemaphoreCount valid combinations of VkPipelineStageFlagBits values


If commandBufferCount is not 0, pCommandBuffers must be a valid pointer to an array of commandBufferCount valid VkCommandBuffer handles


If signalSemaphoreCount is not 0, pSignalSemaphores must be a valid pointer to an array of signalSemaphoreCount valid VkSemaphore handles


Each of the elements of pCommandBuffers, the elements of pSignalSemaphores, and the elements of pWaitSemaphores that are valid handles of non-ignored parameters must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from the same VkDevice