

Structure specifying parameters of a newly created framebuffer

The VkFramebufferCreateInfo structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkFramebufferCreateInfo {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkFramebufferCreateFlags flags;
    VkRenderPass renderPass;
    uint32_t attachmentCount;
    const VkImageView* pAttachments;
    uint32_t width;
    uint32_t height;
    uint32_t layers;
} VkFramebufferCreateInfo;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • flags is a bitmask of VkFramebufferCreateFlagBits
  • renderPass is a render pass defining what render passes the framebuffer will be compatible with. See Render Pass Compatibility for details.
  • attachmentCount is the number of attachments.
  • pAttachments is a pointer to an array of VkImageView handles, each of which will be used as the corresponding attachment in a render pass instance. If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, this parameter is ignored.
  • width, height and layers define the dimensions of the framebuffer. If the render pass uses multiview, then layers must be one and each attachment requires a number of layers that is greater than the maximum bit index set in the view mask in the subpasses in which it is used.

It is legal for a subpass to use no color or depth/stencil attachments, either because it has no attachment references or because all of them are VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED. This kind of subpass can use shader side effects such as image stores and atomics to produce an output. In this case, the subpass continues to use the width, height, and layers of the framebuffer to define the dimensions of the rendering area, and the rasterizationSamples from each pipeline’s VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo to define the number of samples used in rasterization; however, if VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::variableMultisampleRate is VK_FALSE, then all pipelines to be bound with the subpass must have the same value for VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo::rasterizationSamples. In all such cases, rasterizationSamples must be a valid VkSampleCountFlagBits value that is set in VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts.

Valid Usage


attachmentCount must be equal to the attachment count specified in renderPass


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT and attachmentCount is not 0, pAttachments must be a valid pointer to an array of attachmentCount valid VkImageView handles


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as a color attachment or resolve attachment by renderPass must have been created with a usage value including VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as a depth/stencil attachment by renderPass must have been created with a usage value including VK_IMAGE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as a depth/stencil resolve attachment by renderPass must have been created with a usage value including VK_IMAGE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT


If renderpass is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as an input attachment by renderPass must have been created with a usage value including VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT


Each element of pAttachments that is used as a fragment density map attachment by renderPass must not have been created with a flags value including VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT


If renderPass has a fragment density map attachment and the fragmentDensityMapNonSubsampledImages feature is not enabled, each element of pAttachments must have been created with a flags value including VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SUBSAMPLED_BIT_EXT unless that element is the fragment density map attachment


If renderPass was created with fragment density map offsets other than (0,0), each element of pAttachments must have been created with a flags value including VK_IMAGE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_OFFSET_BIT_QCOM


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments must have been created with a VkFormat value that matches the VkFormat specified by the corresponding VkAttachmentDescription in renderPass


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments must have been created with a samples value that matches the samples value specified by the corresponding VkAttachmentDescription in renderPass


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as an input, color, resolve, or depth/stencil attachment by renderPass must have been created with a VkImageCreateInfo::extent.width greater than or equal to width


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as an input, color, resolve, or depth/stencil attachment by renderPass must have been created with a VkImageCreateInfo::extent.height greater than or equal to height


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as an input, color, resolve, or depth/stencil attachment by renderPass must have been created with a VkImageViewCreateInfo::subresourceRange.layerCount greater than or equal to layers


If renderPass was specified with non-zero view masks, each element of pAttachments that is used as an input, color, resolve, or depth/stencil attachment by renderPass must have a layerCount greater than the index of the most significant bit set in any of those view masks


Each element of pAttachments that is referenced by fragmentDensityMapAttachment must have a layerCount equal to 1 or if renderPass was specified with non-zero view masks, greater than the index of the most significant bit set in any of those view masks


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, an element of pAttachments that is referenced by fragmentDensityMapAttachment must have a width at least as large as widthmaxFragmentDensityTexelSize_width\left\lceil{\frac{width}{maxFragmentDensityTexelSize\_{width}}}\right\rceil


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, an element of pAttachments that is referenced by fragmentDensityMapAttachment must have a height at least as large as heightmaxFragmentDensityTexelSize_height\left\lceil{\frac{height}{maxFragmentDensityTexelSize\_{height}}}\right\rceil


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, and renderPass was specified with non-zero view masks, each element of pAttachments that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment by renderPass must have a layerCount that is either 1, or greater than the index of the most significant bit set in any of those view masks


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, and renderPass was not specified with non-zero view masks, each element of pAttachments that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment by renderPass must have a layerCount that is either 1, or greater than layers


If maintenance7 is not enabled or the robustFragmentShadingRateAttachmentAccess limit is VK_FALSE or the imageView member of a VkRenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR structure was created with VkImageSubresourceRange::baseMipLevel greater than 0, flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, an element of pAttachments that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment must have a width at least as large as ⌈width / texelWidth⌉, where texelWidth is the largest value of shadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.width in a VkFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR which references that attachment


If maintenance7 is not enabled or the robustFragmentShadingRateAttachmentAccess limit is VK_FALSE or the imageView member of a VkRenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR structure was created with VkImageSubresourceRange::baseMipLevel greater than 0, flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, an element of pAttachments that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment must have a height at least as large as ⌈height / texelHeight⌉, where texelHeight is the largest value of shadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.height in a VkFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR which references that attachment


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments must only specify a single mip level


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments must have been created with the identity swizzle


width must be greater than 0


height must be greater than 0


layers must be greater than 0


If renderPass was specified with non-zero view masks, layersmust be 1


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is a 2D or 2D array image view taken from a 3D image must not be a depth/stencil format


If the imagelessFramebuffer feature is not enabled, flags must not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the pNext chain must include a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the attachmentImageInfoCount member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain must be equal to either zero or attachmentCount


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the width member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain that is used as an input, color, resolve or depth/stencil attachment in renderPass must be greater than or equal to width


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the height member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain that is used as an input, color, resolve or depth/stencil attachment in renderPass must be greater than or equal to height


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the width member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain that is referenced by VkRenderPassFragmentDensityMapCreateInfoEXT::fragmentDensityMapAttachment in renderPass must be greater than or equal to widthmaxFragmentDensityTexelSize_width\left\lceil{\frac{width}{maxFragmentDensityTexelSize\_{width}}}\right\rceil


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the height member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain that is referenced by VkRenderPassFragmentDensityMapCreateInfoEXT::fragmentDensityMapAttachment in renderPass must be greater than or equal to heightmaxFragmentDensityTexelSize_height\left\lceil{\frac{height}{maxFragmentDensityTexelSize\_{height}}}\right\rceil


If maintenance7 is not enabled or the robustFragmentShadingRateAttachmentAccess limit is VK_FALSE or the imageView member of a VkRenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR structure was created with VkImageSubresourceRange::baseMipLevel greater than 0, and flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the width member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment must be greater than or equal to ⌈width / texelWidth⌉, where texelWidth is the largest value of shadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.width in a VkFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR which references that attachment


If maintenance7 is not enabled or the robustFragmentShadingRateAttachmentAccess limit is VK_FALSE or the imageView member of a VkRenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR structure was created with VkImageSubresourceRange::baseMipLevel greater than 0, and flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the height member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment must be greater than or equal to ⌈height / texelHeight⌉, where texelHeight is the largest value of shadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.height in a VkFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR which references that attachment


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the layerCount member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment must be either 1, or greater than or equal to layers


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT and renderPass was specified with non-zero view masks, the layerCount member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure in the pNext chain that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment must be either 1, or greater than the index of the most significant bit set in any of those view masks


If multiview is enabled for renderPass and flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the layerCount member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain used as an input, color, resolve, or depth/stencil attachment in renderPass must be greater than the maximum bit index set in the view mask in the subpasses in which it is used in renderPass


If multiview is not enabled for renderPass and flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the layerCount member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain used as an input, color, resolve, or depth/stencil attachment in renderPass must be greater than or equal to layers


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the usage member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain that refers to an attachment used as a color attachment or resolve attachment by renderPass must include VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the usage member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain that refers to an attachment used as a depth/stencil attachment by renderPass must include VK_IMAGE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the usage member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain that refers to an attachment used as a depth/stencil resolve attachment by renderPass must include VK_IMAGE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the usage member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain that refers to an attachment used as an input attachment by renderPass must include VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, at least one element of the pViewFormats member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain must be equal to the corresponding value of VkAttachmentDescription::format used to create renderPass


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments must have been created with VkImageViewCreateInfo::viewType not equal to VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_3D


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, each element of pAttachments that is used as a fragment shading rate attachment by renderPass must have been created with a usage value including VK_IMAGE_USAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR


If flags includes VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the usage member of any element of the pAttachmentImageInfos member of a VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo structure included in the pNext chain that refers to an attachment used as a fragment shading rate attachment by renderPass must include VK_IMAGE_USAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR


If multisampled-render-to-single-sampled is enabled for any subpass, all color, depth/stencil and input attachments used in that subpass which have VkAttachmentDescription::samples or VkAttachmentDescription2::samples equal to VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT must have been created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MULTISAMPLED_RENDER_TO_SINGLE_SAMPLED_BIT_EXT in their VkImageCreateInfo::flags


If multisampled-render-to-single-sampled is enabled for any subpass, all color, depth/stencil and input attachments used in that subpass which have VkAttachmentDescription::samples or VkAttachmentDescription2::samples equal to VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT must have a format that supports the sample count specified in VkMultisampledRenderToSingleSampledInfoEXT::rasterizationSamples


If the nullColorAttachmentWithExternalFormatResolve is VK_FALSE, and flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, the format of the color attachment for each subpass in renderPass that includes an external format image as a resolve attachment must have a format equal to the value of VkAndroidHardwareBufferFormatResolvePropertiesANDROID::colorAttachmentFormat as returned by a call to vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID for the Android hardware buffer that was used to create the image view use as its resolve attachment


If flags does not include VK_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_IMAGELESS_BIT, then if an element of pAttachments has a format of VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, it must have been created with a VkExternalFormatANDROID::externalFormat value identical to that provided in the VkExternalFormatANDROID::externalFormat specified by the corresponding VkAttachmentDescription2 in renderPass

Valid Usage (Implicit)




pNext must be NULL or a pointer to a valid instance of VkFramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo


The sType value of each struct in the pNext chain must be unique


Both of renderPass, and the elements of pAttachments that are valid handles of non-ignored parameters must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from the same VkDevice