

Structure specifying parameters for the generation of commands

The VkGeneratedCommandsInfoEXT is defined as:

typedef struct VkGeneratedCommandsInfoEXT {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages;
    VkIndirectExecutionSetEXT indirectExecutionSet;
    VkIndirectCommandsLayoutEXT indirectCommandsLayout;
    VkDeviceAddress indirectAddress;
    VkDeviceSize indirectAddressSize;
    VkDeviceAddress preprocessAddress;
    VkDeviceSize preprocessSize;
    uint32_t maxSequenceCount;
    VkDeviceAddress sequenceCountAddress;
    uint32_t maxDrawCount;
} VkGeneratedCommandsInfoEXT;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.
  • shaderStages is the mask of shader stages used by the commands.
  • indirectExecutionSet is the indirect execution set to be used for binding shaders.
  • indirectCommandsLayout is the VkIndirectCommandsLayoutEXT that specifies the command sequence data.
  • indirectAddress is an address that holds the indirect buffer data.
  • indirectAddressSize is the size in bytes of indirect buffer data starting at indirectAddress.
  • preprocessAddress specifies a physical address of the VkBuffer used for preprocessing the input data for execution. If this structure is used with vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsEXT with its isPreprocessed set to VK_TRUE, then the preprocessing step is skipped but data in this address may still be modified. The contents and the layout of this address are opaque to applications and must not be modified outside functions related to device-generated commands or copied to another buffer for reuse.
  • preprocessSize is the maximum byte size within preprocessAddress that is available for preprocessing.
  • maxSequenceCount is used to determine the number of sequences to execute.
  • sequenceCountAddress specifies an optional physical address of a single uint32_t value containing the requested number of sequences to execute.
  • maxDrawCount is the maximum number of indirect draws that can be executed by any COUNT-type multi-draw indirect tokens. The draw count in the indirect buffer is clamped to this value for these token types.

If sequenceCountAddress is not NULL, then maxSequenceCount is the maximum number of sequences that can be executed. The actual number is min(maxSequenceCount, *sequenceCountAddress). If sequenceCountAddress is NULL, then maxSequenceCount is the exact number of sequences to execute.

If the action command token for the layout is not a COUNT-type multi-draw indirect token, maxDrawCount is ignored.

Valid Usage


VkDeviceMemory objects bound to the underlying buffer for preprocessAddress must have been allocated using one of the memory types allowed in the memoryTypeBits member of the VkMemoryRequirements structure returned by vkGetGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsEXT


If the indirectCommandsLayout uses a token of VK_INDIRECT_COMMANDS_TOKEN_TYPE_PUSH_CONSTANT_EXT, then the indirectExecutionSet’s push constant layout must contain the updateRange specified in VkIndirectCommandsPushConstantTokenEXT


If the indirectCommandsLayout uses a token of VK_INDIRECT_COMMANDS_TOKEN_TYPE_SEQUENCE_INDEX_EXT, then the indirectExecutionSet’s push constant layout must contain the updateRange specified in VkIndirectCommandsPushConstantTokenEXT


maxSequenceCount must be less or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesEXT::maxIndirectSequenceCount and VkGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsInfoEXT::maxSequencesCount that was used to determine the preprocessSize


If sequenceCountAddress is not NULL, the value contained in the address must be less or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesEXT::maxIndirectSequenceCount and VkGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsInfoEXT::maxSequencesCount that was used to determine the preprocessSize


The underlying buffer for preprocessAddress must have the VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_PREPROCESS_BUFFER_BIT_EXT bit set in its usage flag


If the underlying buffer for preprocessAddress is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object


If the indirectCommandsLayout contains a VK_INDIRECT_COMMANDS_TOKEN_TYPE_EXECUTION_SET_EXT token, then the descriptor and push constant layout info provided either by pipelineLayout or through a VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo in pNext of the VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoEXT used to create indirectCommandsLayout must be compatible with the descriptor and push constant layout info used by indirectExecutionSet


If indirectCommandsLayout was created with a token sequence that contained the VK_INDIRECT_COMMANDS_TOKEN_TYPE_EXECUTION_SET_EXT token, the shader stages used to create the initial shader state of indirectExecutionSet must equal the VkIndirectCommandsExecutionSetTokenEXT::shaderStages used to create indirectCommandsLayout


preprocessSize must be greater than or equal to the memory requirement’s size returned by vkGetGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsEXT using the matching inputs (indirectCommandsLayout, …​) as within this structure


The underlying buffer for sequenceCountAddress must have the VK_BUFFER_USAGE_2_PREPROCESS_BUFFER_BIT_EXT bit set in its usage flag


If sequenceCountAddress is not NULL, sequenceCountAddressmust be aligned to 4


indirectAddress must be aligned to 4


If the underlying buffer for sequenceCountAddress is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object


indirectAddressSize must be greater than zero


When not ignored, maxDrawCount × maxSequenceCount must be less than 2^24


If `indirectCommandsLayout` was created using a

and shader objects are not bound then the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE in pDynamicStates


If the token sequence of the passed indirectCommandsLayout contains a VK_INDIRECT_COMMANDS_TOKEN_TYPE_EXECUTION_SET_EXT token, the indirectExecutionSet must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE


If `indirectExecutionSet` is [VK_NULL_HANDLE](/man/VK_NULL_HANDLE), a

or VkGeneratedCommandsShaderInfoEXTmust be included in the pNext chain

Valid Usage (Implicit)




shaderStages must be a valid combination of VkShaderStageFlagBits values


If indirectExecutionSet is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, indirectExecutionSet must be a valid VkIndirectExecutionSetEXT handle


Both of indirectCommandsLayout, and indirectExecutionSet that are valid handles of non-ignored parameters must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from the same VkDevice