

Structure image-based buffer collection constraints

The VkImageFormatConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkImageFormatConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA {
    VkStructureType sType;
    const void* pNext;
    VkImageCreateInfo imageCreateInfo;
    VkFormatFeatureFlags requiredFormatFeatures;
    VkImageFormatConstraintsFlagsFUCHSIA flags;
    uint64_t sysmemPixelFormat;
    uint32_t colorSpaceCount;
    const VkSysmemColorSpaceFUCHSIA* pColorSpaces;
} VkImageFormatConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA;
  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure
  • imageCreateInfo is the VkImageCreateInfo used to create a VkImage that is to use memory from the VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA
  • requiredFormatFeatures is a bitmask of VkFormatFeatureFlagBits specifying required features of the buffers in the buffer collection
  • flags is reserved for future use
  • sysmemPixelFormat is a PixelFormatType value from the fuchsia.sysmem/image_formats.fidl FIDL interface
  • colorSpaceCount the element count of pColorSpaces
  • pColorSpaces is a pointer to an array of VkSysmemColorSpaceFUCHSIA structs of size colorSpaceCount

Valid Usage (Implicit)