

Structure specifying specialization information

The VkSpecializationInfo structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkSpecializationInfo {
    uint32_t mapEntryCount;
    const VkSpecializationMapEntry* pMapEntries;
    size_t dataSize;
    const void* pData;
} VkSpecializationInfo;
  • mapEntryCount is the number of entries in the pMapEntries array.
  • pMapEntries is a pointer to an array of VkSpecializationMapEntry structures, which map constant IDs to offsets in pData.
  • dataSize is the byte size of the pData buffer.
  • pData contains the actual constant values to specialize with.

Valid Usage


The offset member of each element of pMapEntries must be less than dataSize


The size member of each element of pMapEntries must be less than or equal to dataSize minus offset


The constantID value of each element of pMapEntries must be unique within pMapEntries

Valid Usage (Implicit)


If mapEntryCount is not 0, pMapEntries must be a valid pointer to an array of mapEntryCount valid VkSpecializationMapEntry structures


If dataSize is not 0, pData must be a valid pointer to an array of dataSize bytes