

Structure specifying the sample locations state to use for layout transitions of attachments performed after a given subpass

The VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT {
    uint32_t subpassIndex;
    VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT sampleLocationsInfo;
} VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT;
  • subpassIndex is the index of the subpass for which the sample locations state is provided.
  • sampleLocationsInfo is the sample locations state to use for the layout transition of the depth/stencil attachment away from the image layout the attachment is used with in the subpass specified in subpassIndex.

If the image referenced by the depth/stencil attachment used in the subpass identified by subpassIndex was not created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT or if the subpass does not use a depth/stencil attachment, and VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT::variableSampleLocations is VK_TRUE then the values specified in sampleLocationsInfo are ignored.

Valid Usage


subpassIndex must be less than the subpassCount specified in VkRenderPassCreateInfo the render pass specified by VkRenderPassBeginInfo::renderPass was created with

Valid Usage (Implicit)