Function Prototype


Bind device memory to buffer objects

To attach memory to buffer objects for one or more buffers at a time, call:

VkResult vkBindBufferMemory2KHR(
    VkDevice device,
    uint32_t bindInfoCount,
    const VkBindBufferMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
  • device is the logical device that owns the buffers and memory.
  • bindInfoCount is the number of elements in pBindInfos.
  • pBindInfos is a pointer to an array of bindInfoCount
    VkBindBufferMemoryInfo structures describing buffers and memory to bind.

On some implementations, it may be more efficient to batch memory bindings into a single command.

If the maintenance6 feature is enabled, this command must attempt to perform all of the memory binding operations described by pBindInfos, and must not early exit on the first failure.

If any of the memory binding operations described by pBindInfos fail, the VkResult returned by this command must be the return value of any one of the memory binding operations which did not return VK_SUCCESS.

If the vkBindBufferMemory2 command failed, VkBindMemoryStatusKHR structures were not included in the pNext chains of each element of pBindInfos, and bindInfoCount was greater than one, then the buffers referenced by pBindInfos will be in an indeterminate state, and must not be used.

Applications should destroy these buffers.

Valid Usage (Implicit)


pBindInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of bindInfoCount valid VkBindBufferMemoryInfo structures


bindInfoCount must be greater than 0