Function Prototype


Create a new buffer object

To create buffers, call:

VkResult vkCreateBuffer(
    VkDevice device,
    const VkBufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
    const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
    VkBuffer* pBuffer);
  • device is the logical device that creates the buffer object.
  • pCreateInfo is a pointer to a VkBufferCreateInfo structure containing parameters affecting creation of the buffer.
  • pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the Memory Allocation chapter.
  • pBuffer is a pointer to a VkBuffer handle in which the resulting buffer object is returned.

Valid Usage


`device` :normative{type="must"} support at least one queue family with one of the



If the flags member of pCreateInfo includes VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT, and the extendedSparseAddressSpace feature is not enabled, creating this VkBuffer must not cause the total required sparse memory for all currently valid sparse resources on the device to exceed VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::sparseAddressSpaceSize


If the flags member of pCreateInfo includes VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT, the extendedSparseAddressSpace feature is enabled, and the usage member of pCreateInfo contains bits not in VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV::extendedSparseBufferUsageFlags, creating this VkBuffer must not cause the total required sparse memory for all currently valid sparse resources on the device, excluding VkBuffer created with usage member of pCreateInfo containing bits in VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV::extendedSparseBufferUsageFlags and VkImage created with usage member of pCreateInfo containing bits in VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV::extendedSparseImageUsageFlags, to exceed VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::sparseAddressSpaceSize


If the flags member of pCreateInfo includes VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT and the extendedSparseAddressSpace feature is enabled, creating this VkBuffer must not cause the total required sparse memory for all currently valid sparse resources on the device to exceed VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV::extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize


If using the VkBuffer for an import operation from a VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA where a VkBufferCollectionBufferCreateInfoFUCHSIA has been chained to pNext, pCreateInfo must match the VkBufferConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA::createInfo used when setting the constraints on the buffer collection with vkSetBufferCollectionBufferConstraintsFUCHSIA

Valid Usage (Implicit)


device must be a valid VkDevice handle


pCreateInfo must be a valid pointer to a valid VkBufferCreateInfo structure


If pAllocator is not NULL, pAllocator must be a valid pointer to a valid VkAllocationCallbacks structure


pBuffer must be a valid pointer to a VkBuffer handle