Memory Allocation

Vulkan memory is broken up into two categories, host memory and device memory.

Host Memory

Host memory is memory needed by the Vulkan implementation for non-device-visible storage.

This memory may be used to store the implementation’s representation and state of Vulkan objects.

Vulkan provides applications the opportunity to perform host memory allocations on behalf of the Vulkan implementation. If this feature is not used, the implementation will perform its own memory allocations. Since most memory allocations are off the critical path, this is not meant as a performance feature. Rather, this can be useful for certain embedded systems, for debugging purposes (e.g. putting a guard page after all host allocations), or for memory allocation logging.

VkAllocationCallbacksStructure containing callback function pointers for memory allocation
PFN_vkAllocationFunctionApplication-defined memory allocation function
PFN_vkReallocationFunctionApplication-defined memory reallocation function
PFN_vkFreeFunctionApplication-defined memory free function
PFN_vkInternalAllocationNotificationApplication-defined memory allocation notification function
PFN_vkInternalFreeNotificationApplication-defined memory free notification function
VkSystemAllocationScopeAllocation scope

Objects that are allocated from pools do not specify their own allocator. When an implementation requires host memory for such an object, that memory is sourced from the object’s parent pool’s allocator.

The application is not expected to handle allocating memory that is intended for execution by the host due to the complexities of differing security implementations across multiple platforms. The implementation will allocate such memory internally and invoke an application provided informational callback when these internal allocations are allocated and freed. Upon allocation of executable memory, pfnInternalAllocation will be called. Upon freeing executable memory, pfnInternalFree will be called. An implementation will only call an informational callback for executable memory allocations and frees.

VkInternalAllocationTypeAllocation type

An implementation must only make calls into an application-provided allocator during the execution of an API command. An implementation must only make calls into an application-provided allocator from the same thread that called the provoking API command. The implementation should not synchronize calls to any of the callbacks. If synchronization is needed, the callbacks must provide it themselves. The informational callbacks are subject to the same restrictions as the allocation callbacks.

If an implementation intends to make calls through a VkAllocationCallbacks structure between the time a vkCreate* command returns and the time a corresponding vkDestroy* command begins, that implementation must save a copy of the allocator before the vkCreate* command returns. The callback functions and any data structures they rely upon must remain valid for the lifetime of the object they are associated with.

If an allocator is provided to a vkCreate* command, a compatible allocator must be provided to the corresponding vkDestroy* command. Two VkAllocationCallbacks structures are compatible if memory allocated with pfnAllocation or pfnReallocation in each can be freed with pfnReallocation or pfnFree in the other. An allocator must not be provided to a vkDestroy* command if an allocator was not provided to the corresponding vkCreate* command.

If a non-NULL allocator is used, the pfnAllocation, pfnReallocation and pfnFree members must be non-NULL and point to valid implementations of the callbacks. An application can choose to not provide informational callbacks by setting both pfnInternalAllocation and pfnInternalFree to NULL. pfnInternalAllocation and pfnInternalFree must either both be NULL or both be non-NULL.

If pfnAllocation or pfnReallocation fail, the implementation may fail object creation and/or generate a VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY error, as appropriate.

Allocation callbacks must not call any Vulkan commands.

The following sets of rules define when an implementation is permitted to call the allocator callbacks.

pfnAllocation or pfnReallocation may be called in the following situations:

  • Allocations scoped to a VkDevice or VkInstance may be allocated from any API command.
  • Allocations scoped to a command may be allocated from any API command.
  • Allocations scoped to a VkPipelineCache may only be allocated from:
    • vkCreatePipelineCache
    • vkMergePipelineCaches for dstCache
    • vkCreateGraphicsPipelines for pipelineCache
    • vkCreateComputePipelines for pipelineCache
  • Allocations scoped to a VkValidationCacheEXT may only be allocated from:
  • Allocations scoped to a VkDescriptorPool may only be allocated from:
    • any command that takes the pool as a direct argument
    • vkAllocateDescriptorSets for the descriptorPool member of its pAllocateInfo parameter
    • vkCreateDescriptorPool
  • Allocations scoped to a VkCommandPool may only be allocated from:
    • any command that takes the pool as a direct argument
    • vkCreateCommandPool
    • vkAllocateCommandBuffers for the commandPool member of its pAllocateInfo parameter
    • any vkCmd* command whose commandBuffer was allocated from that VkCommandPool
  • Allocations scoped to any other object may only be allocated in that object’s vkCreate* command.

pfnFree, or pfnReallocation with zero size, may be called in the following situations:

  • Allocations scoped to a VkDevice or VkInstance may be freed from any API command.
  • Allocations scoped to a command must be freed by any API command which allocates such memory.
  • Allocations scoped to a VkPipelineCache may be freed from vkDestroyPipelineCache.
  • Allocations scoped to a VkValidationCacheEXT may be freed from vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT.
  • Allocations scoped to a VkDescriptorPool may be freed from
    • any command that takes the pool as a direct argument
  • Allocations scoped to a VkCommandPool may be freed from:
    • any command that takes the pool as a direct argument
    • vkResetCommandBuffer whose commandBuffer was allocated from that VkCommandPool
  • Allocations scoped to any other object may be freed in that object’s vkDestroy* command.
  • Any command that allocates host memory may also free host memory of the same scope.

Device Memory

Device memory is memory that is visible to the device — for example the contents of the image or buffer objects, which can be natively used by the device.

Device Memory Properties

Memory properties of a physical device describe the memory heaps and memory types available.

vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryPropertiesReports memory information for the specified physical device
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPropertiesStructure specifying physical device memory properties
VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPESLength of an array of memory types
VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPSLength of an array of memory heaps
vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2Reports memory information for the specified physical device
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2Structure specifying physical device memory properties
VkMemoryHeapStructure specifying a memory heap
VkMemoryHeapFlagBitsBitmask specifying attribute flags for a heap
VkMemoryHeapFlagsBitmask of VkMemoryHeapFlagBits
VkMemoryTypeStructure specifying memory type
VkMemoryPropertyFlagBitsBitmask specifying properties for a memory type
VkMemoryPropertyFlagsBitmask of VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXTStructure specifying physical device memory budget and usage

Device Memory Objects

VkDeviceMemoryOpaque handle to a device memory object

Device Memory Allocation

vkAllocateMemoryAllocate device memory
VkMemoryAllocateInfoStructure containing parameters of a memory allocation
VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoSpecify a dedicated memory allocation resource
VkDedicatedAllocationMemoryAllocateInfoNVSpecify a dedicated memory allocation resource
VkMemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXTSpecify a memory allocation priority
vkSetDeviceMemoryPriorityEXTChange a memory allocation priority
VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoSpecify exportable handle types for a device memory object

When allocating memory that may be exported to another process or Vulkan instance, add a VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoNV structure to the pNext chain of the VkMemoryAllocateInfo structure, specifying the handle types that may be exported.

VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoNVSpecify memory handle types that may be exported

Win32 External Memory

VkExportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHRStructure specifying additional attributes of Windows handles exported from a memory
VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHRImport Win32 memory created on the same physical device
vkGetMemoryWin32HandleKHRGet a Windows HANDLE for a memory object
VkMemoryGetWin32HandleInfoKHRStructure describing a Win32 handle memory export operation
vkGetMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHRGet Properties of External Memory Win32 Handles
VkMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHRProperties of External Memory Windows Handles
VkExportMemoryWin32HandleInfoNVSpecify security attributes and access rights for Win32 memory handles
VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoNVImport Win32 memory created on the same physical device

Bits which can be set in handleType are:

VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNVBitmask specifying external memory handle types
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNVBitmask of VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV
vkGetMemoryWin32HandleNVRetrieve Win32 handle to a device memory object

File Descriptor External Memory

VkImportMemoryFdInfoKHRImport memory created on the same physical device from a file descriptor
vkGetMemoryFdKHRGet a POSIX file descriptor for a memory object
VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHRStructure describing a POSIX FD memory export operation
vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHRGet Properties of External Memory File Descriptors
VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHRProperties of External Memory File Descriptors

Host External Memory

VkImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXTImport memory from a host pointer
vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXTGet properties of external memory host pointer
VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXTProperties of external memory host pointer

Android Hardware Buffer External Memory

VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROIDImport memory from an Android hardware buffer
vkGetMemoryAndroidHardwareBufferANDROIDGet an Android hardware buffer for a memory object
VkMemoryGetAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROIDStructure describing an Android hardware buffer memory export operation
vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROIDGet Properties of External Memory Android Hardware Buffers
VkAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROIDProperties of External Memory Android Hardware Buffers
VkAndroidHardwareBufferFormatPropertiesANDROIDStructure describing the image format properties of an Android hardware buffer
VkAndroidHardwareBufferFormatProperties2ANDROIDStructure describing the image format properties of an Android hardware buffer
VkAndroidHardwareBufferFormatResolvePropertiesANDROIDStructure defining properties of resolves using an external format

Remote Device External Memory

vkGetMemoryRemoteAddressNVGet an address for a memory object accessible by remote devices
VkMemoryGetRemoteAddressInfoNVStructure describing a remote accessible address export operation
VkRemoteAddressNVRemote device address type

Fuchsia External Memory

On Fuchsia, when allocating memory that may be imported from another device, process or Vulkan instance, add a VkImportMemoryZirconHandleInfoFUCHSIA structure to the pNext chain of the VkMemoryAllocateInfo structure.

External memory on Fuchsia is imported and exported using VMO handles of type zx_handle_t. VMO handles to external memory are canonically obtained from Fuchsia’s Sysmem service or from syscalls such as zx_vmo_create(). VMO handles for import can also be obtained by exporting them from another Vulkan instance as described in exporting fuchsia device memory.

Importing VMO handles to the Vulkan instance transfers ownership of the handle to the instance from the application. The application must not perform any operations on the handle after successful import.

Applications can import the same underlying memory into multiple instances of Vulkan, into the same instance from which it was exported, and multiple times into a given Vulkan instance. In all cases, each import operation must create a distinct VkDeviceMemory object.

Importing Fuchsia External Memory

VkImportMemoryZirconHandleInfoFUCHSIAStructure specifying import parameters for Zircon handle to external memory
vkGetMemoryZirconHandlePropertiesFUCHSIAGet a Zircon handle properties for an external memory object
VkMemoryZirconHandlePropertiesFUCHSIAStructure specifying Zircon handle compatible external memory

With pMemoryZirconHandleProperties now successfully populated by vkGetMemoryZirconHandlePropertiesFUCHSIA, assign the VkMemoryAllocateInfo memoryTypeIndex field to a memory type which has a bit set in the VkMemoryZirconHandlePropertiesFUCHSIA memoryTypeBits field.

Exporting Fuchsia Device Memory

Similar to importing, exporting a VMO handle from Vulkan transfers ownership of the handle from the Vulkan instance to the application. The application is responsible for closing the handle with zx_handle_close() when it is no longer in use.

vkGetMemoryZirconHandleFUCHSIAGet a Zircon handle for an external memory object
VkMemoryGetZirconHandleInfoFUCHSIAStructure specifying export parameters for Zircon handle to device memory

With the result pZirconHandle now obtained, the memory properties for the handle can be retrieved using vkGetMemoryZirconHandlePropertiesFUCHSIA as documented above substituting the dereferenced, retrieved pZirconHandle in for the zirconHandle argument.

Metal Objects

A Vulkan implementation that is layered on top of Metal on Apple device platform, and implements the VK_EXT_metal_objects extension, supports the ability to import and export the underlying Metal objects associated with specific Vulkan objects.

The underlying Metal objects associated with certain Vulkan objects can be exported from those Vulkan objects using the pNext chain of the VkExportMetalObjectsInfoEXT parameter of the vkExportMetalObjectsEXT command.

An VkDeviceMemory object can be allocated on an existing MTLBuffer object, by including the MTLBuffer object in a VkImportMetalBufferInfoEXT structure in the pNext chain of the VkMemoryAllocateInfo structure in the vkAllocateMemory command.

A new VkImage object can be created on an existing IOSurface object, or one or more existing Metal MTLTexture objects, by including those Metal objects in either VkImportMetalIOSurfaceInfoEXT or VkImportMetalTextureInfoEXT structures in the pNext chain of the VkImageCreateInfo structure in the vkCreateImage command.

VkExportMetalObjectCreateInfoEXTStructure that identifies the Metal objects that can be exported from Vulkan objects
VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagBitsEXTBitmask specifying Metal object types that can be exported from a Vulkan object
VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagsEXTBitmask of VkExportMetalObjectTypeFlagBitsEXT
vkExportMetalObjectsEXTExport Metal objects from the corresponding Vulkan objects
VkExportMetalObjectsInfoEXTStructure whose pNext chain identifies Vulkan objects and corresponding Metal objects
VkExportMetalDeviceInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkDevice object and corresponding Metal MTLDevice object
MTLDevice_idMetal MTLDevice type reference
VkExportMetalCommandQueueInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkQueue object and corresponding Metal MTLCommandQueue object
MTLCommandQueue_idMetal MTLCommandQueue type reference
VkExportMetalBufferInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkDeviceMemory object and corresponding Metal MTLBuffer object
VkImportMetalBufferInfoEXTStructure that identifies a Metal MTLBuffer object to use when creating a VkDeviceMemory object.
MTLBuffer_idMetal MTLBuffer type reference
VkExportMetalTextureInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkImage, VkImageView, or VkBufferView object and corresponding Metal MTLTexture object
VkImportMetalTextureInfoEXTStructure that identifies Metal MTLTexture objects to use when creating a VkImage.
MTLTexture_idMetal MTLTexture type reference
VkExportMetalIOSurfaceInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkImage object and corresponding Metal IOSurfaceRef object
VkImportMetalIOSurfaceInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkImage object and corresponding Metal IOSurfaceRef object to use.
IOSurfaceRefMetal IOSurfaceRef type reference
VkExportMetalSharedEventInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkSemaphore or VkEvent object and corresponding Metal MTLSharedEvent object
VkImportMetalSharedEventInfoEXTStructure that identifies a VkSemaphore or VkEvent object and corresponding Metal Shared Event object to use.
MTLSharedEvent_idMetal MTLSharedEvent type reference

QNX Screen Buffer External Memory

VkImportScreenBufferInfoQNXImport memory from a QNX Screen buffer
vkGetScreenBufferPropertiesQNXGet Properties of External Memory QNX Screen Buffers
VkScreenBufferPropertiesQNXProperties of External Memory QNX Screen Buffers
VkScreenBufferFormatPropertiesQNXStructure describing the image format properties of a QNX Screen buffer

Device Group Memory Allocations

VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfoStructure controlling how many instances of memory will be allocated
VkMemoryAllocateFlagBitsBitmask specifying flags for a device memory allocation
VkMemoryAllocateFlagsBitmask of VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits

Opaque Capture Address Allocation

VkMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressAllocateInfoRequest a specific address for a memory allocation

Freeing Device Memory

vkFreeMemoryFree device memory

Host Access to Device Memory Objects

Memory objects created with vkAllocateMemory are not directly host accessible.

Memory objects created with the memory property VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT are considered mappable. Memory objects must be mappable in order to be successfully mapped on the host.

vkMapMemoryMap a memory object into application address space
VkMemoryMapFlagBitsBitmask specifying additional parameters of a memory map
VkMemoryMapFlagsBitmask of VkMemoryMapFlagBits
vkMapMemory2KHRMap a memory object into application address space
VkMemoryMapInfoKHRStructure containing parameters of a memory map operation
VkMemoryMapPlacedInfoEXTStructure containing memory map placement parameters

Two commands are provided to enable applications to work with non-coherent memory allocations: vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges.

If the memory object was created with the VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT set, vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges are unnecessary and may have a performance cost. However, availability and visibility operations still need to be managed on the device. See the description of host access types for more information.

While memory objects imported from a handle type of VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_HOST_ALLOCATION_BIT_EXT or VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_HOST_MAPPED_FOREIGN_MEMORY_BIT_EXT are inherently mapped to host address space, they are not considered to be host mapped device memory unless they are explicitly host mapped using vkMapMemory. That means flushing or invalidating host caches with respect to host accesses performed on such memory through the original host pointer specified at import time is the responsibility of the application and must be performed with appropriate synchronization primitives provided by the platform which are outside the scope of Vulkan. vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges, however, can still be used on such memory objects to synchronize host accesses performed through the host pointer of the host mapped device memory range returned by vkMapMemory.

After a successful call to vkMapMemory or vkMapMemory2KHR the memory object memory is considered to be currently host mapped.

vkFlushMappedMemoryRangesFlush mapped memory ranges
vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRangesInvalidate ranges of mapped memory objects
VkMappedMemoryRangeStructure specifying a mapped memory range
vkUnmapMemoryUnmap a previously mapped memory object
vkUnmapMemory2KHRUnmap a previously mapped memory object
VkMemoryUnmapInfoKHRStructure containing parameters of a memory unmap operation
VkMemoryUnmapFlagBitsKHRBitmask specifying additional parameters of a memory unmap
VkMemoryUnmapFlagsKHRBitmask of VkMemoryUnmapFlagBitsKHR

Lazily Allocated Memory

If the memory object is allocated from a heap with the VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_LAZILY_ALLOCATED_BIT bit set, that object’s backing memory may be provided by the implementation lazily. The actual committed size of the memory may initially be as small as zero (or as large as the requested size), and monotonically increases as additional memory is needed.

A memory type with this flag set is only allowed to be bound to a VkImage whose usage flags include VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT.

Using lazily allocated memory objects for framebuffer attachments that are not needed once a render pass instance has completed may allow some implementations to never allocate memory for such attachments.

vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitmentQuery the current commitment for a VkDeviceMemory

External Memory Handle Types

Android Hardware Buffer

Android’s NDK defines AHardwareBuffer objects, which represent device memory that is shareable across processes and that can be accessed by a variety of media APIs and the hardware used to implement them. These Android hardware buffer objects may be imported into VkDeviceMemory objects for access via Vulkan, or exported from Vulkan. An VkImage or VkBuffer can be bound to the imported or exported VkDeviceMemory object if it is created with VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_ANDROID_HARDWARE_BUFFER_BIT_ANDROID.

AHardwareBufferAndroid hardware buffer type

The NDK format, usage, and size/dimensions of an AHardwareBuffer object can be obtained with the AHardwareBuffer_describe function. While Android hardware buffers can be imported to or exported from Vulkan without using that function, valid usage and implementation behavior is defined in terms of the AHardwareBuffer_Desc properties it returns.

Android hardware buffer objects are reference-counted using Android NDK functions outside of the scope of this specification. A VkDeviceMemory imported from an Android hardware buffer or that can be exported to an Android hardware buffer must acquire a reference to its AHardwareBuffer object, and must release this reference when the device memory is freed. During the host execution of a Vulkan command that has an Android hardware buffer as a parameter (including indirect parameters via pNext chains), the application must not decrement the Android hardware buffer’s reference count to zero.

Android hardware buffers can be mapped and unmapped for CPU access using the NDK functions. These lock and unlock APIs are considered to acquire and release ownership of the Android hardware buffer, and applications must follow the rules described in External Resource Sharing to transfer ownership between the Vulkan instance and these native APIs.

Android hardware buffers can be shared with external APIs and Vulkan instances on the same device, and also with foreign devices. When transferring ownership of the Android hardware buffer, the external and foreign special queue families described in Queue Family Ownership Transfer are not identical. All APIs which produce or consume Android hardware buffers are considered to use foreign devices, except OpenGL ES contexts and Vulkan logical devices that have matching device and driver UUIDs. Implementations may treat a transfer to or from the foreign queue family as if it were a transfer to or from the external queue family when the Android hardware buffer’s usage only permits it to be used on the same physical device.

Android Hardware Buffer Optimal Usages

Vulkan buffer and image usage flags do not correspond exactly to Android hardware buffer usage flags. When allocating Android hardware buffers with non-Vulkan APIs, if any AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_GPU_* usage bits are included, by default the allocator must allocate the memory in such a way that it supports Vulkan usages and creation flags in the usage equivalence table which do not have Android hardware buffer equivalents.

An VkAndroidHardwareBufferUsageANDROID structure can be included in the pNext chain of a VkImageFormatProperties2 structure passed to vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2 to obtain optimal Android hardware buffer usage flags for specific Vulkan resource creation parameters. Some usage flags returned by these commands are required based on the input parameters, but additional vendor-specific usage flags (AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_VENDOR_*) may also be returned. Any Android hardware buffer allocated with these vendor-specific usage flags and imported to Vulkan must only be bound to resources created with parameters that are a subset of the parameters used to obtain the Android hardware buffer usage, since the memory may have been allocated in a way incompatible with other parameters. If an Android hardware buffer is successfully allocated with additional non-vendor-specific usage flags in addition to the recommended usage, it must support being used in the same ways as an Android hardware buffer allocated with only the recommended usage, and also in ways indicated by the additional usage.

Android Hardware Buffer External Formats

Android hardware buffers may represent images using implementation-specific formats, layouts, color models, etc., which do not have Vulkan equivalents. Such external formats are commonly used by external image sources such as video decoders or cameras. Vulkan can import Android hardware buffers that have external formats, but since the image contents are in a possibly proprietary representation, images with external formats must have optimal tiling, and their use is restricted. Images with external formats must only be sampled with a sampler that has Y′CBCR conversion enabled.

Images that will be backed by an Android hardware buffer can use an external format by setting VkImageCreateInfo::format to VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED and including a VkExternalFormatANDROID structure in the pNext chain. Images can be created with an external format even if the Android hardware buffer has a format which has an equivalent Vulkan format to enable consistent handling of images from sources that might use either category of format. However, all images created with an external format are subject to the valid usage requirements associated with external formats, even if the Android hardware buffer’s format has a Vulkan equivalent. The external format of an Android hardware buffer can be obtained by passing a VkAndroidHardwareBufferFormatPropertiesANDROID structure to vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID.

Android Hardware Buffer Image Resources

Android hardware buffers have intrinsic width, height, format, and usage properties, so Vulkan images bound to memory imported from an Android hardware buffer must use dedicated allocations: VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements::requiresDedicatedAllocation must be VK_TRUE for images created with VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo::handleTypes that includes VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_ANDROID_HARDWARE_BUFFER_BIT_ANDROID. When creating an image that will be bound to an imported Android hardware buffer, the image creation parameters must be equivalent to the AHardwareBuffer properties as described by the valid usage of VkMemoryAllocateInfo. Similarly, device memory allocated for a dedicated image must not be exported to an Android hardware buffer until it has been bound to that image, and the implementation must return an Android hardware buffer with properties derived from the image:

  • The width and height members of AHardwareBuffer_Descmust be the same as the width and height members of VkImageCreateInfo::extent, respectively.
  • The layers member of AHardwareBuffer_Desc must be the same as the arrayLayers member of VkImageCreateInfo.
  • The format member of AHardwareBuffer_Desc must be equivalent to VkImageCreateInfo::format as defined by AHardwareBuffer Format Equivalence.
  • The usage member of AHardwareBuffer_Desc must include bits corresponding to bits included in VkImageCreateInfo::usage and VkImageCreateInfo::flags where such a correspondence exists according to AHardwareBuffer Usage Equivalence. It may also include additional usage bits, including vendor-specific usages. Presence of vendor usage bits may make the Android hardware buffer only usable in ways indicated by the image creation parameters, even when used outside Vulkan, in a similar way that allocating the Android hardware buffer with usage returned in VkAndroidHardwareBufferUsageANDROID does.

Implementations may support fewer combinations of image creation parameters for images with Android hardware buffer external handle type than for non-external images. Support for a given set of parameters can be determined by passing VkExternalImageFormatProperties to vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2 with handleType set to VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_ANDROID_HARDWARE_BUFFER_BIT_ANDROID. Any Android hardware buffer successfully allocated outside Vulkan with usage that includes AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_GPU_* must be supported when using equivalent Vulkan image parameters. If a given choice of image parameters are supported for import, they can also be used to create an image and memory that will be exported to an Android hardware buffer.

Table 13. AHardwareBuffer Format Equivalence
AHardwareBuffer FormatVulkan Format

























Table 14. AHardwareBuffer Usage Equivalence
AHardwareBuffer UsageVulkan Usage or Creation Flag
















None 2







When using VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT with Android hardware buffer images, applications should use VkImageFormatListCreateInfo to inform the implementation which view formats will be used with the image. For some common sets of format, this allows some implementations to provide significantly better performance when accessing the image via Vulkan.

Android Hardware Buffer Resources

Android hardware buffers with a format of AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_BLOB and usage that includes AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_GPU_DATA_BUFFER can be used as the backing store for VkBuffer objects. Such Android hardware buffers have a size in bytes specified by their width; height and layers are both 1.

Unlike images, buffer resources backed by Android hardware buffers do not require dedicated allocations.

Exported AHardwareBuffer objects that do not have dedicated images must have a format of AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_BLOB, usage must include AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_GPU_DATA_BUFFER, width must equal the device memory allocation size, and height and layers must be 1.

QNX Screen Buffer

The QNX SDP defines _screen_buffer objects, which represent a buffer that the QNX Screen graphics subsystem can use directly in its windowing system APIs. More specifically, a Screen buffer is an area of memory that stores pixel data. It can be attached to Screen windows, streams, or pixmaps. These QNX Screen buffer objects may be imported into VkDeviceMemory objects for access via Vulkan. An VkImage or VkBuffer can be bound to the imported VkDeviceMemory object if it is created with VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_SCREEN_BUFFER_BIT_QNX.

struct _screen_buffer is strongly typed, so naming the handle type is redundant. The internal layout and therefore size of a struct _screen_buffer image may depend on native usage flags that do not have corresponding Vulkan counterparts.

QNX Screen Buffer Validity

The design of Screen in the QNX SDP makes it difficult to determine the validity of objects from outside of Screen. Therefore, applications must ensure that QNX Screen buffer objects provided used in various Vulkan interfaces are ones created explicitly with QNX Screen APIs. See QNX SDP documentation for more information.

A VkDeviceMemory imported from a QNX Screen buffer has no way to acquire a reference to its _screen_buffer object. Therefore, during the host execution of a Vulkan command that has a QNX Screen buffer as a parameter (including indirect parameters via pNext chains), the application must ensure that the QNX Screen buffer resource remains valid.

Generally, for a _screen_buffer object to be valid for use within a Vulkan implementation, the buffer object should have a _screen_buffer::SCREEN_PROPERTY_USAGE that includes at least one of: SCREEN_USAGE_VULKAN, SCREEN_USAGE_OPENGL_ES2, SCREEN_USAGE_OPENGL_ES3, or SCREEN_USAGE_NATIVE. The exact Screen-native usage flags required depends on the Vulkan implementation, and QNX Screen itself will not necessarily enforce these requirements. Note that Screen-native usage flags are in no way related to usage flags in the Vulkan specification.

QNX Screen Buffer External Formats

QNX Screen buffers may represent images using implementation-specific formats, layouts, color models, etc., which do not have Vulkan equivalents. Such external formats are commonly used by external image sources such as video decoders or cameras. Vulkan can import QNX Screen buffers that have external formats, but since the image contents are in an undiscoverable and possibly proprietary representation, images with external formats must only be used as sampled images, must only be sampled with a sampler that has Y′CBCR conversion enabled, and must have optimal tiling.

Images that will be backed by a QNX Screen buffer can use an external format by setting VkImageCreateInfo::format to VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED and including a VkExternalFormatQNX structure in the pNext chain. Images can be created with an external format even if the QNX Screen buffer has a format which has an equivalent Vulkan format to enable consistent handling of images from sources that might use either category of format. The external format of a QNX Screen buffer can be obtained by passing a VkScreenBufferFormatPropertiesQNX structure to vkGetScreenBufferPropertiesQNX.

QNX Screen Buffer Image Resources

QNX Screen buffers have intrinsic width, height, format, and usage properties, so Vulkan images bound to memory imported from a QNX Screen buffer must use dedicated allocations: VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements::requiresDedicatedAllocation must be VK_TRUE for images created with VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo::handleTypes that includes VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_SCREEN_BUFFER_BIT_QNX. When creating an image that will be bound to an imported QNX Screen buffer, the image creation parameters must be equivalent to the _screen_buffer properties as described by the valid usage of VkMemoryAllocateInfo.

Table 15. QNX Screen Buffer Format Equivalence
QNX Screen FormatVulkan Format

























Peer Memory Features

vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeaturesQuery supported peer memory features of a device
VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBitsBitmask specifying supported peer memory features
VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagsBitmask of VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits

Opaque Capture Address Query

vkGetDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressQuery an opaque capture address of a memory object
VkDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfoStructure specifying the memory object to query an address for