

Other Extension Metadata

Last Modified Date


  • Kai Zhang, NVIDIA
  • Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
  • Jonathan McCaffrey, NVIDIA
  • Daniel Koch, NVIDIA


This extension enables an application to access external memory via NvSciBufObj. To import a NvSciBufObj to VkDeviceMemory, applications need to:

For details of the NvSciBuf APIs and data structures, see the NvStreams Documentation.


1) What should we call this extension?

RESOLVED. The external API is NvSciBuf, but the Vulkan convention is to append the vendor suffix at the end of an identifier. Using NvSciBufNV seems awkward, so we have chosen to use just the SciBuf portion of the name in Vulkan commands and tokens. Since this is for interacting with memory objects allocated from outside Vulkan, we use "external_memory" in the name, similar to VK_KHR_external_memory_fd. To avoid an explosion of extensions, we include the capability to import and export memory in one extension but include separate features in case implementations only implement (or safety certify) a subset.

2) What changed in revision 2?

RESOLVED. The VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSciBufFeaturesNV struct was renamed to VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemorySciBufFeaturesNV to follow naming conventions (previous names retained as aliases), and drop const on pNext pointer.

Version History

  • Revision 1, 2022-04-12 (Kai Zhang, Daniel Koch)
    • Internal revisions
  • Revision 2, 2023-01-03 (Daniel Koch)
    • fix the feature structure to address naming convention and cts autogeneration issues