Function Prototype


Create a new {YCbCr} conversion

To create a VkSamplerYcbcrConversion, call:

VkResult vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR(
    VkDevice device,
    const VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
    const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
    VkSamplerYcbcrConversion* pYcbcrConversion);
  • device is the logical device that creates the sampler Y′CBCR conversion.
  • pCreateInfo is a pointer to a VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo structure specifying the requested sampler Y′CBCR conversion.
  • pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the Memory Allocation chapter.
  • pYcbcrConversion is a pointer to a VkSamplerYcbcrConversion handle in which the resulting sampler Y′CBCR conversion is returned.

The interpretation of the configured sampler Y′CBCR conversion is described in more detail in the description of sampler Y′CBCR conversion in the Image Operations chapter.

Valid Usage (Implicit)


If pAllocator is not NULL, pAllocator must be a valid pointer to a valid VkAllocationCallbacks structure